

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[金融系毕业生自我推荐书]尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中阅览我的自荐信。我是XX财经大学财会金融系的本站。 在思想上,我追求进步,热爱集体,尊敬老师,团结同学,性格开朗有主见,做事细致有思路,对...+阅读

Basic information

Name: xxx Gender: Female Account where: Tianjin

Graduate institutions: the University of Hebei College of Journalism and munications

Highest level of education: undergraduate professional repair by: Editor Publishing

Talent type: general job

Language ability

English familiar with the four

puter capacity

Proficiency in office software, office, Founder Feiteng typesetting technology, Photoshop, CorelDraw and electronic magazines such as the production process

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time

Position: text or publicity associated with the reporters, editors, planning, graphic design, secretarial, office assistants, etc.

Hope Location: Tianjin

Wish to pay: Negotiable


Honest and kind-hearted, warm and cheerful, with friendly and adaptable, good at learning new things and accept with good expression and language ability, the work of a conscientious and responsible, initiative, able to bear hardships and stand hard.

Educational background

September 2005 -2009 University of Hebei, in June in College of Journalism and munications undergraduate professional editing and publishing

Practice experience

August 2006 -2008 term of office in July in the National Students Union in Hebei entrepreneurs University decades magazine editor-in-chief, magazine editor in charge of the work; in June 2007 in Beijing on Cape -8 Pictures Television Culture munication Co., Ltd. internships, study TV program production process of the work; in March 2008 on the Hebei University of -6 librarians, library staff responsible for collating, recording, transfer the librarys books and to help readers search for bibliographic


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