

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语辞职信格式]一般首先提出辞职申请,然后陈述辞职的理由或原因,最后陈述辞职申请的决心和个人的具体要求,希望领导解决的问题等; 4、结尾:一般为一些感谢的话,感谢领导,感谢公司的培养及表达不...+阅读

Name: Luo xxx

Sex: Female

National: Han

Political landscape: members

Date of Birth: May 1987

Account: Hefei

Marital status: unmarried

Specialties: foreign-related tourism in English

Graduation Time: July 2008

Graduate institutions: Anhui Hefei in Anhui Institute of Foreign Languages

Education: tertiary

Language: English (General)

puter level: General

Work Experience: 1 year

Contact: phone: xxxxxxxxx

Job intentions

Work Type: All

Nature of units: open

Expectations of the industry: Inter, e-merce, munications, telemunications, trade, import and export, textile industry (apparel, hats, footwear, textile products, leather goods)

Expectations of the post: human resources / administrative / clerical staff, client manager / director / missioner, Procurement Management

Work Location: Hefei


05 - 08 years of foreign-related tourism in Anhui Institute of Foreign Languages English

02 - 05 years high school in Anhui Guangde

Work experience

Hangzhou City under the 2110 grand hotel era of good news office Culture munication Co., Ltd.


Efforts to fight

Tomorrow in their own hands

Life is beautiful

Long Way e away its amendments, and search up and down吾将


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