

12月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


PAMELA EVANS 145 Tahquitz Canyon Palm Springs, California92262 760-555-1212 PROFILE * Award-winning, multilingual Business Student with extensive professional and entrepreneurial experience. * Awarded 2001 Student Leader for exemplar, service in student government. * Received 2001 Service Award for outstanding contributions to campus activities. * Fluency in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Technically proficient in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; programming in Visual Basic and HTML; Web design. EXPERIENCE TRANSLATOR, Orange County, California Private Contractor4/00- Present * Team with two secretarial assistants to provide conversation-based translation and mediation services to non- English speaking business owners and employees. Acplishment: * Awarded Hispanic Business munity recognition for assisting immigrants. RRMXV, LLC. Santa Ana, California Foreign Currency Trade, Intern12/01 - 2/02 * Handled $50,000+ monthly m trades and investment, specializing in Euros, Dollars, and Yen transactions; investigated trends and issued market reports. Acplishment: * Increased profitability by exploiting Euro-to-Dollar exchange rate fluctuations. CHILDREN'S LEARNING CENTER, Fullerton, California Founder/Business Manager6/00-8/01 * Established and operated an educational institution with a start of 20. Acplishment: * Built revenues through direct student recruitment and cooperative local work. PREMIER LEARNING ACADEMY, Irvine, California Assistant Business Manager/Spanish Tutor12/99 - 3/00 * Aided management and coached students for educational preparation institute. Acplishment: * Boosted student enrollment; won Employee of the Month Award. SEDA Y FIBRAS, S.R.L, Hernandarias, Alto Parana, Paraguay Assistant Business Translator2/97 - 12/98 * Conducted English - Spanish-Portuguese translations of business document and person-to-person conversations for global textile exporter EDUCATION ACTIVITIES CALIFORNIA MUNITY COLLEGE, lrvine, California Business Administration Major, 2000 - Present * 4.00GPA, President's List, Alpha Gamma Sigma, Phi Alpha Mu, Mu Alpha Theta. * 2001 Associated Board of Trustees Member. * Student Representative to Academic Senate, Spring 2001. * Student Representative to Transfer Advisory Board, Spring 2001. * Student Advisor to Business Club, Fall 2001.



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