

12月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com


OBJECTIVE E-Business Correlation.Intelligent graduate ready to contribute my education and management skills in a position with a growing and dynamic firm. EDUCATION Bachelor of Management,WuHan University of Technology,June 2009 Major:E-Business Relevant Courses:International Marketing, Production Management, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, work Technology, Management Information System, Electronic Payment and work Financial, Data Base, JSP, JAVA, J2EE, XML etc. Minor:E-Marketing , Photoshop Web Design EXPERIENCE Sales Assistant, CENTALINA CHINA,guangzhou,7/07-8/07 Deal with relevant documents,show proprietors the way to visit the building and chat with them. Pick up lots of knowledge about sales,improved personal spoken and munication abillities. Sales Manager, UFIDA ERP Sand Table Contest,WuHan,12/07-1/08 In charge of market,product demand and price analysis,summarize the analytical results. Try to unite and coordinate with teammates,enjoy sharing ideas with teammates and like to make some innovations. Vocational Training,HUBEI BAIDU SERVICE CENTER,WuHan,9/19/08-9/21/08 Predominate the principle of Baidu price-petition-ranks,and know about how to use it to carry on E-marketing for pany. Learn about sale skills,know well about the attitudes and abillities of a successful saler. Student Cadre,WHUT,9/05-7/08 Doing propaganda for class activities,making board newspapers,writing activities summary. Encourage classmates to take an active part in activities and write some personal feelings. PERSONAL SKILLS MAJOR SKILLS: IBM University Program pleted subjects:DB2 FundamentalsDB2 SQL Workshop. IBM University Program pleted subjects:HTMLXHTML,XML,CSS,JSP,JAVA,J2EE. NCRE-II of language C,NCRE-III of work technology. LANGUAGE SKILLS: English:CET-4,good pronunciation,can make a simple conversation in English. Cantonese: Know well about the pronunciation rules,can speak with facility. IT SKILLS: Good mastery in windows operating system and MS Office applications. Know well about Photoshop, Dreamweer and Frontpage application softwares. Know well about Google and Baidus advertisement platform,and trying to learn about SEO. Strong knowledge in Inter applications,rich experience of Blog,BBS and Newsgroup. QUALITY SKILLS: Good physical constitution, can work under pressure and prefer to facing challenge. Work conscientiously,he a stronger enterprising spirit, is good at linking up with the person. Good at active learning,like to contact new things, dare to break old paths.


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