

12月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Name: Miss Lu Sex: Female National: Han Date of birth: July 1986 Marital status: unmarried Height: 153cm Weight: 53kg Residence: Fujian Longyan Is the location: Tongan District Xiamen, Fujian Graduated from the school: Vocational and Technical Institute of the East China Sea, Xiamen Education: specialist Professional Name: E-merce Year of Graduation: 2007 Work experience: more than one year Contact Tel: 13888888888 Job intentions The nature of jobs: full-time Post Category: E-merce / sales / B2C/C2C / Logistics Job Title: clerks, procurement, customer service, warehouse, etc.; Work areas: Xiamen Jimei District; Xiamen Tongan District; Treatment requirements: 1000-2000 Yuan / month do not need to provide housing Reported for duty time:may at any time Skills expertise Language skills: English; Putonghua standard puter level: puter proficiency, OFFICE office automation software Educational Background: Time school qualifications September 2004 - July 2007 Xiamen, East China Sea Vocational and Technical College Work experience pany: Xiamen Shun-Qing Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Time frame: December 2007 - January 2009 pany nature: private / private panies Their respective industries: trade, merce, import and export To hold office: sales staff Job Deion: work marketing, as well as warehouse management, data, etc. pany: Xiamen Sky Express Logistics Time frame: March 2007 - December 2007 pany nature: private / private panies Industry: transportation, logistics, express delivery Post as: logistics / warehousing Job Deion: 07-03 to 07-08 is responsible for customer service and express shipping operations 07-08 to 07-11 is responsible for freight service and billing Self-evaluation: I he a strong team spirit among colleagues, he good interpersonal relationships; good at coordination. During University I studied puter works he some knowledge about puters, I seriously can bear hardships and stand hard work, self-motivated. After engaging in the service industry so I he learned patience, tolerance and self-control. What a year of sales experience I learned how to municate with people, as well as self-learning. I am a person of honor and promised to do certain things other people do. Into action to appreciate the language of the people, hate the language into action.


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