

12月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[优秀中专生推荐信]尊敬的领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中阅览我的推荐信。今向贵单位推荐我系教育专业的毕业生XX同学。 作为在夹缝里求生存的中专生,可在这夹缝中却培养了该生诸多能力。XX同...+阅读

Name: XXX

Graduate school: School in Guangzhou gas heat

Profession: gas and automotive applications

Contact Tel: 199999999

E - mail:

Sex: Male political landscape: members

Native place: Hubei graduate school: School in Guangzhou gas heat

Education: Vocational Period: Three years

Professional: the application of gas and car health status: good

Source areas: Hubei Wuhan

Job search intention: I hope to engage with the gas and car related or similar professional work

Contact: phone: XXXXX

Address: Guangzhou City黄轩Zhen

E-mail: XXX

Education Background: --- in 2007 in Wuhan City in 2010 gas heat schools

2004 --- 2007 Pinnacle Ridge senior secondary schools

Majors: the basis of gas, electrician, fitter, Gas Transmission and Distribution, economic and political, legal basis , vehicle structure,

Construction and maintenance of automotive engines, professional ethics

Stations and filling station equipment, puter

LNG technology and equipment for filling;

Features Hobbies: love reading, listening to music, making friends;

Profile: a positive, optimistic, confident hard-working, down-to-earth, working carefully

Can be hard, be good at listening to the views of others, the collective concept of strong

Unless there is a strong anization and management capacity and practical ability, sense of innovation.

Personal skills: a solid grasp of the natural gas vehicle and he the skilled expertise of the operating capacity.

Second, with a certain degree of munication and coordination, anized enthusiasm and dedication.

Personal characteristics:

Being straightforward, warm others, do something practical, dealing with the independence of things, and actively listen to other people's remendations on any matter of stay the course with the attitude and easy to accept new things, strong initiative.

Honorary award:

078 functions as the chief

2007 -2008 school year was awarded the first scholarship

2007 -2008 won the first scholarship the next semester

2007 -2008, he was named the outstanding student leaders

--- 2007, which led the class in 2008 was named outstanding body body class


The leadership of the distinguished pany:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信concept!

I am a about to enter a new munity school students in 2007 after graduation from secondary school I went to Guangzhou to study the gas thermal schools. I e from rural areas, character, cheerful and lively, in the class he a good interpersonal relationship, the parents on the train from a young age I seriously sense of independent living, for this reason that I now he the spirit and tradition of hard work can be a serious and responsible habits. The study has also not neglect the schools specialized for each of the lessons I he serious and very good hands, and in learning the very good results achieved in 2007 -2008 in two consecutive years to obtain first-class final exam scholarship.

I learned a solid foundation of professional knowledge and grasp of the natural gas system, professional knowledge, the quality of self-cultivation and other relevant reason, with good professional knowledge; the same time, I use widely outside school hours take a lot of knowledge related not only to enrich themselves, but also a wide range of skills training. More importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude, I created a simple, stable and innovative character. Team also makes it clear that the importance of work! In addition I am also active in various social activities, seize every opportunity to exercise their own.

I understand that secondary school students in the future to meet a lot of employment difficulties and resistance, we he the knowledge and practical ability to narrow the inadequacy of the shortings, I continued to operate in their own time to consolidate the lessons I he learned the knowledge, Theory and practical bination of better services for future business will be the basis of mat. I believe that the work in the future, I also return to the continuous learning, as always, continue to advance themselves, so the times of the strong.

Look forward to hearing from you, I am always ready to back!






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