

12月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语辞职信格式]一般首先提出辞职申请,然后陈述辞职的理由或原因,最后陈述辞职申请的决心和个人的具体要求,希望领导解决的问题等; 4、结尾:一般为一些感谢的话,感谢领导,感谢公司的培养及表达不...+阅读

WangBeijing university floor 1000Job intentions,Educational background2005/09 ~ 2008/04 Master of Beijing University of direction Institute (Rank 0 / 00)Awardscorporate scholarships, the first prehensive ranking, were all only 000 enterprises ; scholarship winners; school class scholarship;Outstanding graduates in Beijing; outstanding member of the school, outstanding cadres, Miyoshi school students (two);Beijing University First Cup Business Plan petition second prize; 0000 National Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling the success of team awards;Mission led by the Beijing branch in 0000 was优秀团支部English and professional skills◆ English through 46 countries; TOEFL000 points; TWE (TOEFL Writing Part I) 0.0; the National College English in 0000 the second prize petition◆ solid foundation of the text, as well as good munication skills, in the newspaper published an article, as well as◆ familiar with the mobile munication technology, in particular, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA and CDMA2000 in the background, development, and understanding of industry market manufacturers, carriers, terminals, marketing and other operations; proficiency in the use of EXCEL, PowerPoint and SPSS softwareInternship experience◆ track TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000 latest technology trends, collect, collate information on the wireless market, to conduct in-depth analysis of industry development, in cooperation with TD-SCDMA Content, an independent plete the CDMA2000 Content;◆ manufacturers with some munication to help Datang Mobile TD successful trial demonstration of new business works;Depth understanding of the development of 3G industry chain with the latest developments and improve the analysis, and munication skills; the accumulation of the English market, written by industry experience report◆ anize China Mobile wireless work test norms, translation wireless core work systems market and technical informationGreatly improve the professional standard of English; understanding of testing standards for equipment operators, as well as the demand for2003/07 ~ 2003/09 Tianjin Branch of China work interns◆ assist members of the work, with Korea Exchange panies to carry out reception, meeting records and some translation workWidened the field of vision, access to world-class operator of the operational and technical experience; tempered spoken English as well as the habit of systematic workProject experience2003/04 ~ 2003/11 Beijing University of ABC Cup first Business Plan petition, Marketing Director◆ 0 person team responsible for marketing value-added services, integration of large amounts of data research, analysis of product market positioning, development of marketing mix strategies; with the other members of the discussion and implementation of projects; write a business plan based on the demand for the book 00 of the planning document◆ Business Plan petition was the second prize and China Uni's data services center recognizedTele mastered the basic knowledge of marketing; accumulated a certain amount of practical experience and methods of marketing; exercise of the business plan writing abilitySocial activities◆ 00 people led by the team, the successful planning, implementation of the Second job Forum and panies full sponsorship in session 0, each with more than 000 spectators; activities carried out large-scale survey feedback to the pany, received recognition and praise enterprises; the success of planning, the capital of University creative petition, to be full support work media;◆ 0 session Business Plan petition anizing mittee members of the Secretariat, the coordination of other departments, the successful pletion of the drafting of the text, as well as all major outreach activitiesCampus-depth understanding of business strategy and marketing needs; training in collaboration with the munication ability, team leadership, as well as analysis and decision-making capacity


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