

12月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[感恩节的故事英文]The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled th...+阅读

Name: Mr. Cen

Sex: Male

National: Han

Political landscape: members

Date of Birth: June 1986

Account: Shaoxing City

Marital status: unmarried

Education: Undergraduate

Graduate institution: Zhejiang University School of Jiang

Graduation Time: June 2009

Specialties: Law

Language: English (proficiency)

puter level: skilled

Work Experience: one year

Contact: 15999999999

Job intentions

Work Type: All

Nature of units: open

Expectations of the industry: professional services, consulting, accounting, legal, services, societies, non-profit institutions, government, utilities, other

Expectations of the post: Assistant Counsel, Legal staff, public / Frederick Law System

Working Location: Hangzhou, Shaoxing City

Expectations of a monthly salary: Open / Negotiable


September 2002 -2005 in Shaoxing City High School in June

September 2005 -2009 in June Zhijiang Zhejiang University School of Law

Work experience

July 2007 -2007 theory in Zhejiang in August finishing law firm files Assistant

September 2007 -2008 in January Xinbo Augmentum tutor education teachers in primary schools in Hangzhou Center general

July 2008 -2008 West Lake Court in August on the court, Assistant anize files Sichang materials, files, send legal instruments


Won the 2008 River of Zhejiang University School of munist Youth League cadres and the title of the best students to the Student Union

Thesis on the shadow of the sun - interpretation of employment discrimination, winner of the sixth of Jiang's Cup petition of university students work extra-curricular science and technology awards


Work seriously, practical, responsible, sincere man, optimistic, responsible, patient, able to endure hardship, love trel, sports. After several years of university study, believe that they are maturing, there has been new for their understanding, but a piece of paper to终觉shallow, so to increase their own social experience, enrich their social experience, in their efforts to participate in social practice, based on the active part-time job, believe they should now be capable of performing their job candidates.


英文辞职报告怎么写dear effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc., in baton rouge. therefore, please accept my resignation as be...


本科应届生自我推荐信尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先,请接受我最诚挚的问候和深深的谢意,因为一个年轻人生命中最辉煌的一段人生旅程或许即将从您这儿启程了! 在此,很高兴能为您介绍一下我自己。 我来自XX大...

留学介绍信英文I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li,who graduated from this College with an L.B.degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the...

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英文辞职信精选英文辞职信范文1 Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to lee my job here on September 30, 19, taking a few da...

感恩节的由来中英文感恩节到来之际你也来了解一些有关感恩节的相关知识吧!以下是FANWEN51就业指导为您提供的关于感恩节由来的中英语版介绍,供你阅读参考。Thanksgiving Day in America is a ti...

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