

12月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[感恩节的故事英文]The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled th...+阅读

Name: Zhou xx

Sex: Female

National: Han

Date of birth: August 1987

Marital status: unmarried

Height: 160cm

Weight: 50kg

Residence: Fujian Longyan

Is the location: Fujian, Xiamen

Graduate school: Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Education: specialist

Professional Name: Chinese and Western bined with care

Year of Graduation: 2008

Work experience: less than one year

Job intentions

The nature of jobs: full-time

Post Category: Hospital / Medical / Nursing

Job Title: Nurses, medicine salesman;

Work areas: Xiamen, Fujian; Fujian Longyan;

Treatment requirements: 2000-3000 RMB / month; do not need to provide housing

Reported for duty time:到岗may at any time

Skills expertise:

Language Proficiency: Mandarin: fluent

puter level: General

Education and training:

Educational Background: Time's school education

September 2005 - July 2008, Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist

Work experience:

pany: Second Hospital in Sanming City

Time frame: 2007年6 months - in May 2008

pany nature: state-owned enterprises

In their respective professions: medical, health, health services

Hold office for: Hospital / Medical / Nursing

Job Deion: mainly engaged in patient care and some medical work, such as: intrenous infusion, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, suction services.

Reasons for leing: Internship pleted


My greatest advantage is the challenge, learning new things, good hard ask hard.



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2018护士辞职报告2018年护士辞职报告范文一尊敬的XX: 您好! 我是xx,首先在此向你们致以最诚挚的问候!祝你们工作顺心!生活愉快!天天好心情! 非常抱歉!上次我都没有向你们道别就离开了医院-----...


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感恩节的由来中英文感恩节到来之际你也来了解一些有关感恩节的相关知识吧!以下是FANWEN51就业指导为您提供的关于感恩节由来的中英语版介绍,供你阅读参考。Thanksgiving Day in America is a ti...

留学英文介绍信As the Dean of Stonewell College, I he had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Smith for the last four years. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our s...

口腔护士辞职信口腔护士辞职信: 尊敬的院领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的辞职信。我是怀着十分复杂的心情写这封辞职信的。 自我进入口腔医院颌面外科之后,由于院领导、科主...
