

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[绘画专业自我推荐信]尊敬的领导: 您好! 非常感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐信! 我叫XXX,是XX学院绘画专业本站,得知贵公司为积极谋求发展招贤纳才。我真诚地渴望能加入贵公司,为贵公司的发展壮大贡献...+阅读


Dear Mr.Brown,

My friend-Li Ming wants to apply for a position with your firm. Now, Id like to introduce my friend to you. xx graduated from a college three years ago and since then he has worked as a lawyer. He is good at english and knows some Japanese. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get on with. He was born on May 1,1968 in Jinan, Shandong Province,China. He is married and lives at No.148 Renmin Road,Jinan city.He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. Im sure he will be fit for the position. If you agree with him, please write a letter to him, his telephone number is 1234567.

Yours truly


To Whom It May Concern

I am writing to introduce XXX, applicant the examination of the Association of International Accountants. She was an excellent accountant in accounting department of ________________.

I believe her performance during the work proves her capability and coordination abilities. She is an enthusiastic and progressive young lady with extremely high potentiality. Miss Chen is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to her was pleted satisfactorily. Actually, she is so reliable that I assign her with hey responsibilities.

xx has get China Certified Public Accountant qualification in financial area.

xx has submitted her application and I am hopeful that this letter of remendation brings her strength and credentials to your attention.

Best Regards


电子信息工程专业自我推荐书尊敬的领导: 您好! 衷心感谢您能在百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间垂阅我的自荐材料。 我叫XXX,是XX大学的一名本站,主修电子信息工程专业。我渴望能在贵公司找到一份合适的工作,为贵公...

金融系毕业生自我推荐书尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中阅览我的自荐信。我是XX财经大学财会金融系的本站。 在思想上,我追求进步,热爱集体,尊敬老师,团结同学,性格开朗有主见,做事细致有思路,对...


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