

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美国留学介绍信3篇]To whom it may Concern, I am writing this letter to attest to Pauls skills in language and public relations. In the four years I he known him, I he been consist...+阅读

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a head teacher of a class, I am writing with pleasure to remend Li Wei, a promising student in my class, should be admitted into your program.

I he been acquainted with Mr. Li since he entered into the Beihang University, a top university on aerospace engineering in China, and during the past three years I was impressed with not only his strong sense of responsibility and high intelligence but also ambition and persistence.

Mr. Li Wei first impressed me in class activity. He would actively participate in the anization and design of class activities such as group outings of class, presentation for ranking of excellent class. He took all the work as his responsibility; therefore, he was rewarded as merit student, acknowledged for his devotion to his classmates. In addition, he worked as the vice minister of Student Union Office in my department, which offered a stage to hone and display his management and anization abilities.

Mr. Li is also this kind of man who is always eager for knowledge and try out his schemes in experiments that help him acquire distinctive academic performance. In his tran, you will find that most of his grades are beyond 80%, which put him among the top 20%.51lunwen./remendation/ in our major of 52 students. What is more, he, cooperating with his classmates, was rewarded as Meritorious Winner in Mathematic Contest in Modeling; indeed, he got some prizes in other contests held by our university and other institution. These, I think, are the best proof of both his excellent analytical and creative ability.

Considered as a perceptive student with originality and sophistication in his thinking, Mr. Li was skilled at programming, and hence he was often asked to help his classmates solve some relevant problems or plete the project assigned by teacher. Honestly, that he ge up the opportunity of postgraduate remendation in our university really brought a surprise to us because what he did need enough courage, but I can understand his feeling of pursuing further education and appreciate that he insist on what he like.

Well grounded in the basic theories of mathematics and puter, he has demonstrated well and great intellectual potential. I can state unequivocally that he will be well qualified for graduate study in your department. I therefore lend my full support to Mr. Lis application, and shall appreciate your forable consideration.


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