

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[领导推荐信格式]XXX先生/女士: 我谨作为XX先生在集团工作四年间的直接领导写此推荐信。 今天的XX与四年前的他相比,已经产生了非常显著的变化。而作为一位独立负责一个分厂所有行政事务的管理...+阅读

Dear Sir/Madam,

I he been asked by Edward Guo (Guo Zhenyu) to provide a reference / remendation for his application for the Masters program in Marketing at your esteemed university. I am pleased to make this remendation for him to pursue his post-graduate studies, and believe that he has the capability and potential to make full use of the Masters program to further his career in future, hopefully back with Hill and Knowlton (China).

I am the Head of Department where Edward currently works at. I he known him for slightly more than 2 years now, and first interviewed him when he applied for a role at Hill and Knowlton (China).

Edwards role within the anization is primarily to support the teams marketing and munications work for Hill and Knowltons clients, which includes planning, liaising with external stakeholders as well as implementing various initiatives for the clients. During this time, Edward has benefited from working with both world-leading multinational panies, as well as industry leading Chinese panies. While Edward reports in directly to a member of my staff, I he had the opportunity to interact regularly with him.

During these past 2 years, I he continued to be impressed by what Edward has to offer, both in terms of his experience as well as by his maturity, enthusiasm and passion. Edward has also clearly demonstrated character traits that will put him in good stead in future. The fact that he has been promoted twice during his time within the pany is evidence of his great performance and high potential.

His passion, drive and perseverance, and willingness to take on challenges: Edward is very passionate and mitted in what he does. He is also very driven, and regularly works hard to do his best in any situation. A client of ours, in the technology industry, is well known for being very challenging, and agencies generally find it difficult to work amicably with them. Edward demonstrated his perseverance in managing to work with the clients, and over time, maintained a rapport with the clients and gain their trust. Till this day I continue to receive praise for his work and performance from this client.

His strong desire to learn and ability to fit in: Edward came from a Marketing background from his previous job at Kraft Foods. Though he did not he a Public Relations background, he managed to fit in quickly within the group. More importantly, he managed to pick up PR skills within a relatively short period of time. Edward has progressed quickly to a junior manager who is well known for his reliability, ability to work with different stakeholders and delivery of quality work.

Should you he any further questions, I am happy to provide more clarity, either via email or phone.

Best regards,



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