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richard anderson

525 b street

suite 250

san diego, ca-92101

career goal

to seek a position of a telemunication consultant in a pany where my skills and abilities can be used.

academic background

achieved certificate in telemunications consultation from the michigan university, michigan in the year of xx.

achieved bachelors degree in fine arts from st. paul college, new england in the year of 1998. special emphasize was given in theater. technical theater along with administration was other minors.

obtained professional training

obtained a special training on the technical theater.

professional affiliation

obtained membership from the telemunication consultants society of new jersey, new jersey.

selected as the president of the telemunications professionals association, new york.

known puter programming skills

known operating systems: windows9x, windowsxx, windows me, windows xp, windows vista, linux, unix, ms dos

known office package: microsoft word, microsoft excel, microsoft access, microsoft powerpoint, microsoft outlook express

known programming language: pascal, turbo pascal, c, c++, ja, ja swing, python

professional excellence summary

he in depth knowledge in the respective subject.

self-motivated, devoted and decisive management personnel.

he ability in taking up new theories as well as responsibilities.

professional background

xx- present date: work as the senior consultant for sabbath munications, new york with some of the following responsibilities

work as the in charge for ventures coping with specification formulating, vendor bids reviewing along with system references.

produce reports coping with economical cash and analysis along with cost-benefit study.

in charge of inventory as well as facility validations of works and systems.

pact with various universities along with governmental agencies with reviews, departmental interviews for analyses and requirements, site surveys and vendor meetings.

xx- xx: worked as the account executive for the et inc, washington with some of the following responsibilities

constantly cover quota.

provided necessary assistance in some developmental curriculums such as customer service representative program, telemarketing program and consumer training program.

worked as the in charge for work sales, work services, work facilities as well as territorial management.


Marc Smith

15th Lane Avenue, Near New church, Houston

Home: 123456789



Career Profile:

A highly skilled, talented and professional training consultant with diverse experience in conducting technical training for customers, field personnel and internal staff. Looking for a position of technical consultant in a well established anization.

Professional strengths:

Possess excellent verbal and written munication skills

In-depth knowledge of training evaluation methodologies

Possess effective presentation and anizational skills

Familiar with alternative training methods like e-learning

Possess good project management skills

Ability to built rapports and interact easily with clients and co-workers

In-depth knowledge of internal structure of the anizations and operational activities

Possess sound knowledge of LCDS, POD, AFP and PDC

Technical proficiencies:

Proficient in Microsoft Office suite, Dreamweer, RoboDemo, RoboHelp, Tool book and Flash

Familiar with HTML, peoplesoft, Doc-to-help, Access, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint

Professional Experience:

ABBC Inc, Houston

20XX till date

Training Consultant

Responsible for preparing lesson plans on methods and documentation to be presented

Handled the tasks of designing and developing technical training curriculum for the entire customer base

Supervised administrative function in absence of higher management

Conducted trainings on technical skills for field personnel, internal staff and customers

Utilized assessment tools to determine the effectiveness of training programs

Instructed learners in remote locations and classroom environments

Handled the tasks of gathering technical documentation and develop courseware for instructors and learners

Conducted follow up evaluations to determine the applicability of course materials

Floret Co Inc, Houston

20XX to 20XX

Training Consultant

Responsible for guiding and monitoring training programs to enhance the quality of training sessions

Handled the tasks of managing roll out, administration, production, evaluation and continuous improvement of learning products

Conducted training on visual investigative analysis software via WebEx to intelligent analyst in classroom environment

Enhanced the training material by adding realistic data and case studies

Consulted managers, trainers and employers in generating effective learning and development strategies

Assisted higher officials in project management by offering feedback and training to the project team members

Redington Enterprises Inc, Houston

19XX to 20XX

Responsible for planning, anizing and implementing new training programs

Handled the tasks of gathering innovative information and training resources by using inter and various sources

Monitored and supervised activities of different departments

Participated in the delivery of functional/business specifications for learning about different products

Educational Summary:

Bachelors degree in instructional design , Design College, Houston19XX

Master in instructional system development, Houston University, Houston, 19XX


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