

12月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[给我推荐几条幸福的个性签名谢谢!],╮- 指 着 芯 说、这 位 置 留 给 祢 ╮“因为陌生,所以勇敢,因为距离,所以美丽。天长地久·曾经拥有··☆爱你一生☆·”“总习惯沿着你的足迹去寻找没有你的日子孤单总如影...+阅读

I have five years working experience in media, and from the content of integrated marketing, therefore turned not familiar with the magazine content, and also in compiling process integrated marketing work late before using large amounts of experience and resources for the brand, better service, more creative. In addition, the researchers have rich management experience, have the ability to lead and coordinate team to complete the project

I served as director of marketing, successfully to the magazine and BTV 0086 Beijing printing fashion award ", as the sole plane media cooperation 0086 fashion award provide fashion history into capital, and comb museum collection.

Development of new media platform, make 0086 become lining board consultant for the LNG provide all kinds of creative service li-ning LNG. For li ning brand planning and reshape LuckyLine li-ning cross-border exhibition, exhibition of art department responsible for the integration of 0086.

The journal for its store content of planning as last season.

The new indoor KAPPA for urban planning the PAC series three rounds and cross-border every station press conference. By integrating Marketing Department is responsible for whole 0086).

Long-term and famous international art institutions UCCA cooperation "brand series of public lecture.

Participate in 0086 magazine for the German team 09 deputy hall hall expo project planning, though not winning bid, but many high praise



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