

12月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[好听的英文歌曲推荐]找个人专辑的话首推 Mariah Carey,大部分都很不错,最近的有rihanna (R&B曲风居多),Talor Swift,音色甜美的乡村公主。 Jewel -----Stand,Goodbye Alice in wonderland,Stay here...+阅读


My name is (名字). I like to play my phone while pooping.(好吧 我真的想不出来什么。。当做看笑话算了)I know it is weird, but you don't really have other stuff to do in the toilet, huh? And I bet there would be others like me who do this in the bathroom. I also like to sleep on the right side of my body.. Oh wait, maybe I'm giving too detailed stuff of myself. Anyways, I have a cute dog, an adorable cat, a annoying sister and parents who are really strict to me.


求一篇关于电气工程及其自动化专业的英文介绍A: the professional training goal, cultivating socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, engineers, with basic training, electric motor and its...

帮忙写一份英文简历有中文原稿翻译成英文谢谢了Resume Job intention: CAD draftsmen, mechanical technology operator, computer hardware assembly and maintenance workers, sales staff. 希望找到一份适合自己,对自身...

请帮忙翻译个机电一体化专业的英文简历姓名: Name: 性别:男 Sex: male 年龄:35 Age: 35 学历:大专 Education: junior college 毕业学校;江苏信息技术学院 graduate school: jianshu message technical college 专业:计...

英文个人简历如何写祝你好运 Honorable leaders: I am a student who has graduated from Dept. of Electronics of Southeast University in 2006. Through the hard study in the university...

帮我写些关于非常完美的英文介绍movie with us ->movie with you which named ->It is Initially ->First introuced ->introduce ,casted ->is casted also her literary ->is also her literary morden -...

介绍一句有意义的英文句子to be or not to be, that is a question 适用于很多场合 做与不做,这是个问题 to be or not to be"是莎士比亚四大悲剧之一<哈姆雷特>的主人翁哈姆雷特所说的一句意义极...


急用英文介绍自己的性格如果你是外向的孩子你可以这么说 Hello everybody!My name is**. I'm a outgoing girl(boy). My hobby is**(你的爱好 例如唱歌 Singing) I'm so glad to stand here to intro...

怎么介绍自己的性格爱好用英文性格: I am kind and friendly. I am always ready to help others. I am outgoing and easygoing so I can always get on well with other. Sometimes I am funny. I like...
