

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Coca-Cola Company, The, beverage company and the world leader in soft drink sales. Coca-Cola produces and distributes several brands in the United States and internationally. The company also produces and markets many fruit juices and other nonsoda beverages. The Coca-Cola Company is based in Atlanta, Georgia.


Coca-Cola traces its origins to 1886 when John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist who developed patent medicines, created a drink from carbonated water, cane sugar syrup, caffeine, and extracts of kola nuts and coca leaves. Pemberton found the drink both medicinal and refreshing, and he sought to market it. His bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, suggested the name Coca-Cola—after the two extracts in the ingredients—and also wrote the product's name in distinctive script. Coca-Cola has used that same logo ever since. Pemberton and Robinson also coined the drink's first slogan, “Delicious and Refreshing.”

Pemberton, however, was ill, and he would not live to see his product's success. In their first year selling Coke, he and his partners made only $50. Pemberton sold two-thirds of his business in 1888 to cover his losses and keep the business afloat. He died later that year and Asa Candler, an Atlanta wholesale druggist, purchased total interest in Coca-Cola for $2300 in 1891. The next year Candler and his brother, John; Frank Robinson; and two associates formed the Coca-Cola Co.



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