

12月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学英语毕业口语总复习]1、元音 (1)单元音:①///////i//u//e/与汉语单韵母对照 ②/a://://://i://u:/// a o e i u ü 说明:先读汉语单韵母,并注意排序,再利用这个排序记英语单元音,易记。 (2)双元音:①/ai//...+阅读

Female, 35 years old. Southwest normal university English education professional undergraduate course graduation, a bachelor's degree. Primary school teachers.Thirteen years English teaching career, sensitive and studious, professional theory in the teaching practice is skillfully use and display. Adopt the advantages of many long, Yang own storage, let's each class shows the unique teaching style: full of vigor and vitality, independent, realistic and innovative. A student began to diligently speculative, the hobby speech, longer than reading, so fresh, language teaching penetrating, good at incentive. Master the modern education technology, fine courseware. Teaching has made brilliant achievements, the student follow-up development is good.With different team teaching, to participate in the training field, at or above the county level, refined into strong leadership and team spirit, lead the team to obtain optimal...


鸡血机构推荐的英语教辅有哪些不知道什么是鸡血机构,但教辅无非就是像王后雄呀这些所谓的“考神”的那几位的书。像“王后雄”从某种意义上说,是一个大的教辅系列的品牌了,我知道的就有: 一、同步类(和各地不...

英语介绍澳大利亚的风土人情Australia has many characteristics that made it unique. For example, it's flora and fauna, it's nature resources, it's landform, it's river systems and it's hum...

英语简短介绍美国历史谁能帮我翻译下不要用GOOGLE词霸Prior to the seventeenth century, there were only Indians and Eskimos living in the vast country land. However, following a flood of immigration for more than a...

关于介绍某种橡皮的颜色尺寸形状等的英语pptThere are so many types of rubber, shape and colour each different, have common sweet rubber, also have painting with 2 b, 4 b, 6 b, etc. Art special rubber and...

求一篇有关于机械维修与管理的毕业论文高分悬赏关于工程机械管理维护的几点思考 毕业论文 - 内容摘要:笔者从四方面对影响当前工程机械管理维护的主要因素进行了深刻分析,并针对如何做好工程机械管理维护工作,提出了有效的解...

个人简历的英语作文个人简历的英语单词是resume。词汇分析音标:英 [rɪˈzjuːm; ˈrɛzjʊmeɪ]释义:n. 摘要;[管理] 履历,简历vt. 重新开始,继续;恢复,重新占用vi. 重新开始,继续短语Resume 简历perso...



跪求:英语专业的个人求职简历最好中英都有!敬的领导: 您好! 感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职申请。 入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过四年的积累,拥有了作为一名跨世纪师范大学生应该掌握的理论基础知识和专业知识。在担任班级...
