[想要知道看上去很美的影评简介]这是方枪枪生命里第一次和外面的世界交手——幼儿园。 这个陌生的地方有种统一的标准正统治着所有的小伙伴们,就是贴在每个人名字后面的小红花,方枪枪愤怒了:不会自己穿衣服就...+阅读
Hillary was raised in a middle-class family in the middle of America. From that classic suburban childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, Hillary went on to become one of America's foremost advocates for children and families; an attorney twice voted one of the most influential in America; a First Lady of Arkansas who helped transform the schools; a bestselling author; a First Lady for America who helped transform that role, becoming a champion for health care and families at home and a champion of women's rights and human rights around the world.
Since her path-breaking election to the United States Senate, Hillary has been a steadfast advocate for middle-class families, working to help create jobs, expand children's health care and protect Social Security from privatization. As the Senator representing New York after 9/11, Hillary has fought to strengthen our approach to homeland security and to improve our communications and intelligence operations. As the first New Yorker ever named to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Hillary has been a tough critic of the administration's bungling of Iraq and a fierce advocate for proper equipment, health benefits, and treatment for military families
推荐几首很有节奏感的英文歌Bule U MAKE ME WANNA;All rise他们的这两首节奏不错 Backstreet Boys As Long As You Love Me(太经典了吧) Tata Young Cinderella(半糖主义的原版)节奏也很好 LMNT Hey Juliet...
求推荐几首很有节奏的英文歌你好!我给你推荐的36首英文歌: 1.All I Need Is Your Love——Deorro 2.Mi Mi Mi ——Serebro 3.Mockingbird——Eminem 4.Ulysse——Ridan 5.aLIEz——泽野弘之 6.Crazy Kids...
能不能告诉我一些关于世界杯的简介1. 历史现在国际足联的世界杯奖杯 - "大力神杯"于1970年制造。当年,巴西队第三次夺冠后可以永远保存原先的"雷米特杯"("雷米特杯"于1983年被盗,至今仍未找到)。从1974年起,这座"大力神杯...
优秀工程师简介程师 (Engineer) 顾名思义,就是指具有从事工程系统操作,设计,管理,评估能力的人员。其实,工程师是职业水平评定(职称评定)的一种。其下,有技术员,助理工程师等职称;其上有高级工程师,专家...
用5句简短的英文介绍一下你的老师My English teacher is Mr.Brown.(我的英语老师是布朗) He is tall and strong.(他又高又壮。) He likes playing basketball.(他喜欢打篮球。) His class is so fun.(他的课很有趣...
英语教师自我介绍英文Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute. My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors, has now been speaking Lev...