

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美国文理学院介绍是什么]美国文理学院的规模有多大?课程设置如何?文理学院(Liberal Arts College),又称博雅学院,是美国高校的重要种类之一。其奉行博雅教育,以本科教育为主,规模精小。特征是注重全面综合教...+阅读

As is shown in the chart above,we can see clearly that the employment rate

of college students is more and more low year by year.In 1993,the rate is

93percent,1995 is 91percent and in 1997,it hae down to 90percent.

There are reasons here. Frist,as the job market gets shrinking, but jobs

which society provided is limited. Second,it's easy for some students to find

work. But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they

don't want to do the job, they except to find a easy work with a higher

salary.Third, with more students get into university, there's no shoreage of a

appropriate /suitable employee,so,graduates face fierce competition.

As far as I'm concerned, pressure is not only an obstacle but also a

motivity.Students who are in colleges must work harder than before to keep their

competitiveness. Only in this way shoud we adapt the competitive society. I

believe through their hardwork they'll get a satisfied job.


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