

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇你最喜欢的书用英语表达]My favorite book, "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale" One of my favorite books is the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales. The inside story is very interesting,...+阅读

There are many kinds of sports we may like to play.my favorite sports is basketball.when i was a little child, i dream to fly high like all the human want to do.playing basketball is the kind of sport which is close to it. And it can make our body stronger and also good to our health.doing this sport we can not stop but jump,run and feel happy. this is the fantasitic sport i will love it most forever,hope everyone enjoy it!


英语简述最喜欢的书和理由300 Tang Poems is my favorite book, because it was a gift from my mother who presented it to me on my 5th birthday. Actually, it embodied the great love of my m...

用英语介绍一本自己喜欢的书一百字左右作业帮是干什么的呢?让我来告诉你以我最喜欢的一本书为题,写一篇60词的英语作文西瓜不懂柠檬的酸 初二 2015-04-10优质解答myfavouritebookienjoyreadingdifferentkindsofbo...

用英语向好朋介绍一本喜欢的书Dear Xiaoming, I recently read a book called the Little Red Riding Hood. I think it is a very good book. I like it because it is a cautionary tale, it tells us...


介绍自己最喜欢一种美食详细点 500字以上要是男孩子吃的食品我最喜欢的一道菜 世界上有许多不同的菜系,不同的菜系里又有许多不同的菜。 在杭州,有一种叫做“松子桂鱼”的美食,它可是我的最爱啊!每次到外面的酒店、饭店里去吃饭,这道菜可是...

介绍自己喜欢的风味食品都是揭阳的,你可以慢慢挑 1、槟醅粿。槟醅粿是揭阳的传统小吃,由于潮汕话发音上的相近,民间误称为“乒乓粿”,本人以为既然现在普遍误称,也就可以根据现实把“乒乓粿”作为其俗名...

介绍自己喜欢的风味食品作文馓子我国北方人有一种习俗,逢年过节,迎亲待友,总要包顿饺子吃,尤其是大年三十,全家人拜大年后,就围坐在一起边包边聊。 这样好吃的饺子,步骤也自然有些多。首先,将蔬菜和肉切碎,拌在一起...


写一篇介绍自己最喜爱的运动项目并写出对运动的看法my favourite sport is basketball.I play it since when I was 8-year-old.it is kind if sports which can make your body and mind healthy and stronger.I like it bec...
