

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英文介绍中国馆]1.英文:2010Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion, to the Chinese wisdom in urban development for the theme, the "Oriental Crown, prosperous China, signals the rich p...+阅读

I am a respond person, who can pick up and finish new jobs on time and good quantity. In addition,be loyaly to the company is one of my advantages.Fully follow intrduction and rules is well. Lastly, I am a person who fully enjoy working with other co-worker in a team. 第一的解答:I am applying to this company because i wish to use my limit knowledge to contribute 100% back to our society,the goal is to imporove life quality, also it is my honor to have a chance provide service for this company and improve my skills. 第二的解答:it is my pleasure if i could have a job title relate to Graphic design or copywriting. in my opinion,to have job title that related to my skill ability, which is beneficial to company. 第三的解答:i graduated from a well known college, which has a over hundred years history. I am not learn porfessional knowledge and skills, but also educated to have a sense of social responsibility like i normal university student does.第四的解答:I know the company is part of Chao Yang LTD. Who seize an opportunity in the S和hangHai World Expo in order to be successful. 第五:my goal to be sucess is improve my skills of working for a job that related to my ability 第六:inorder to let you know me well i am a person who has optimistic upward personality and have positive team work spirit,yet wild interestand with a creative mind. also, have a degree of english level six 我建议你最好对那家公司多一点了解会好一点,而且有些地方看你临场发挥,最后想问你我翻译成怎样。


英文介绍一下中国馆中国国家馆 China Pavilion 2010年上海世博会中国国家馆,以城市发展中的中华智慧为主题,表现出了“东方之冠,鼎盛中华,天下粮仓,富庶百姓”的中国文化精神与气质。 2010 Shanghai...

首都博物馆英文版简介It is a big museum.And it is a very beautiful. Capital Museum is a large comprehensive museum in Beijing, is China's provincial and municipal comprehensive muse...

社会实践英文自我介绍希望英语能力强的您可以帮我翻译一下线面这In this year summer social practice, I chose the local class teaching, I mainly responsible for English, sometimes on some mathematical problems, our class is s...

写给闺蜜的话暖心英文1、不管你走在哪里,我都会站在你看得见我的地方。如果有难过,有委屈,只要你回头,我始终站在你身后,站在你看得见我的地方。 2、还有,只因把你当朋友,才会太在乎。只有死党才可以毫...

2012电影英文介绍pptPlot Curtis Jackson (John Cusack ornaments) to the Yellowstone National Park vacation with children play, they found that had good memories of the lake has drie...

欧洲的简介英文Europe is one of the seven traditional continents of Earth. The westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, it is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the west by...

帮我做一个关于西班牙各种介绍的英文版的 ppt吧急用家里电脑实在officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España), is a member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.[no...

景观园林的同胞们我想问一下景观园林的毕业设计要做写什么方面这是我们学校今年园林专业的部分毕业设计的题目,你可以做下参考 城市公园规划设计 城市住区环境设计 湿地公园设计 运河两岸景观工程设计 城市广场设计 滨水公园设计 居住区...

英式下午茶的英文介绍这是简介,还有很多细节介绍,在参考资料链接里。 Afternoon Tea is the service that comes to mind when we think of a sophisticated British tea. It's the elegant repast...
