

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能介绍下微软的简称和历史]微软公司是世界PC机软件开发的先导,比尔·盖茨是它的核心。微软公司1981年为IBM-PC机开发的操作系统软件MS-DOS曾用在数以亿计 的IBM-PC机及其兼容机上。但随着微软公司的日...+阅读

hello, everyone here. hi. i'm Jack. of course, you know i'm a boy. haha. i'm 13 years old and i know we are more or less, hehe. i have a few hobbies, such as singing. i can do it pretty well. and i'm glad to sing for all of you. besides i love math very much. do you like it? oh, by the way, i love eating bananas. do you want to be my friend? i'm here. thank you for your time.



去美国读研现在的平均学分绩是84有高人能详细介绍一下美国各高美国一般要求GPA3.0以上,就是80分以上。另外还需要看你的托福和GRE/GMAT,成绩越高,申请的学校越好。 除了学术成绩外,你的个人陈述、推荐信、论文也是非常重要的。楼主可以多参...

英语介绍信翻译!0急急急急急!各位大侠仁兄帮帮忙!快点啊!Hello my dear friend. My name is XXX. I came from China and I am really glad to be your friend, nice to meet you. I am a year 8 student, and currently attending...

英语自我介绍Self Introduction My name is Li peipei. I was born in Beijing in 1993 and now I was 13 years old. There are five people in my family now: my grandparents my fat...

英语写一封家庭介绍Dear XXX: It's my honor to write you, I live in a house with my parents and my grandparents.My father is handsome and full of knowledge.And my mom has a kindly...

求一封英语自我介绍Self Introduction My name is jack. I was 20 years old. i am graduated from Nanjing technician institute .my major is cartoon design.i was born in Nanjing There...

一篇英语介绍Hello,my name is ***,a graduate of *** University.I like English very much and do well in it.I like kids,and would like to be a assistant professor to teach the...

关于游泳的知识大家能不能对游泳这个运动进行全方位的介绍比如它游泳能磨炼人的意志,而且也是锻炼身体好方法,但游泳也有很多需要注意的地方。 游泳具体的好处如下: 1、抵御寒冷、适应温度变化。在冷水刺激下的体表毛细血管收缩,和运动时皮肤...

推荐下最近好看的美剧提高英语口语的如果是想学英语口语,推荐几部我最喜欢用来正常学英语的美剧: 1、初级:Friends Friends也就是《老友记》是经典中的经典,对于英语初级水平的朋友来说,是突破发音和对话交流最好的...

交通标志及介绍3个我国现代的道路交通标志分为主标志和辅助标志两大类共100种。 1、道路交通主标志 道路交通主标志按其含意可分为四种:警告标志、禁令标志、指示标志和指路标志。 ⑴道路交通...
