

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮忙写一份正式的英文请柬毕业典礼]request the pleasure of your company? 这句话啥意思是真没看懂…… = = 邀请函请参考下面的格式: XX You are invited to the graduation ceremony (毕业典礼) of XX Universi...+阅读

我认为是: Good afternoon,teachers.I'm Wang Kenan.I study in Class 5,Grade 6 in the primary school of normal college.I'm eleven years old.I like doing sports a lot.My hobby is reading books.My favourite colour is purple.I'm a quiet girl who usually earn high marks.For which I was cited as the excellent young pioneer many times.Because of my hardworking.I'm appointed as the curse representative.Unit classes and respect teachers in my school.I like studying and get happiness fron it ,which make me grow up in studying and happiness.


推荐一些优美的英语短文和一些英文版名人名言·All things in their being are good for something. · 天生我才必有用。 · Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. · 困难坎坷是人们的生...

英文简历中电脑技能怎么写简历字迹端正,对自己对主考官的尊重。2. 简历要用正规表格格式,如《深圳人才大市场发的》。3. 你还没毕业,没有工作经验的就不用填,如果有实习经历填上去,是优秀学生填上去。会些...

帮忙翻译一个简单的IT英文简历非常感谢!Dear Mr. XXX, I am glad that I had an opportunity to interview with your company. I graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages majoring in Japanese....

英文简历怎么写?谁能帮我翻译一下我的!2005/Please translate bottom for me, coming to maintain a service, there is large network item implement, network system maintenance. 2003/09 -- 2005/, customer...

请达人帮忙写份英文简历谢谢Personal CV Basic information Name: Yan Moutuan Gender: Male Date of birth: Sep 4th,1982 Political appearance: League member Education level: Bachelor Major: Ma...

能帮我找或写一下哈利波特系列任意一部书的英文介绍希望能长一些我当年的初中寒假作业就写了两篇介绍哈利波特的介绍,不过还没有做成PPT。我那时每次写英语作文就只写哈利波特。呵呵 Harry Potter lives with his uncle Mr. Dursley, aunt...

帮我写篇用英文介绍茶的例文急Welcome to XXX! I feel honored to be your guide for the one-day tour to the XXX. First of all, on behalf my travel agency, I'd like to extend my welcome to all...

英语饮食词汇与西方文化全英文版介绍饮食词汇: beer啤酒 white wine白葡萄酒 red wine红葡萄酒 claret波尔多红葡萄酒 cider苹果酒 champagne香槟酒 cocktail鸡尾酒 liqueur白酒,烧酒 shaohsing wine绍兴酒 yello...

自我介绍英文翻译Good afternoon, my Chinese name is the English name is :###, :###, very pleased to have the opportunity to communicate with you. First of all, I briefly introdu...
