

01月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[引用别人的毕业论文参考文献怎么标注]一是直引。直引是指将引文内容按照原文献中的叙述照录。具体格式分为两种情况:引文为完整句子时, 如果是直接引用某人的观点, 有原作者姓名、冒号、引号齐全的, 则句子的最后一...+阅读

Abstract: In this paper that many Songci author works with a strong implication of the tragic sense of life. Song of the tragic life of the contents of consciousness, the cause, significance and to explore the impact that the text of the Song dynasty when the people in different circumstances, the performance of the tragedy of consciousness is different. However, their common characteristics: whether寄情landscapes, wild or free and easy, the consciousness of their lives contains a profound meaning of life, more催人forces ahead of the tragedy.

Key words: Song; tragic consciousness; content; causes; the significance and impact


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