

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[在英文简历中用什么短语来表达精通熟悉了解等词语]在英文简历中表达精通”、“熟悉”、“了解”的短语: 1、be proficient in英 [bi: prəˈfɪʃənt in] 美 [bi prəˈfɪʃənt ɪn] v.熟练,精通造句:To be proficient in En...+阅读

Open and bright, has the self-confidence, has the opinion, the rich creativity and very strong learning capability, can very quick accept the new knowledge. Positive enterprising, has the strong organizing faculty and the team spirit, the work positive enterprising, the manner is earnest. Can affect other people effectively, take as the center. The hope found with the specialized related work, displayed my manager, created the profit for the enterprise.


英文简历的空白表格个人基本简历 简历编号: 更新日期: 姓 名: 国籍: 中国 目前所在地: 白云区 民族: 户口所在地: 江门 身材: 156 cm kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 25 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经...

介绍好看的电影电视剧如果可以尽量是英文片 Thank you so海外的推荐李安的《少年派的奇幻漂流》、格雷格的《007大破天幕危机》、吸血鬼偶像片《暮光之城:破晓(下)》。近些年好评度最高的片子推荐如下,悬疑类《盗梦空间》、《禁闭岛》...

回答完后给50分:帮忙写20篇英文的会计实习日记On Monday, March 5Accounting as a applied disciplines, is an important economic management, strengthen economic management, improve is an important means of eco...

有关动物的英文介绍dog dogs are human's friend. in china, many people say dogs know the people's feeling especially,when you take your dog with you when you go out, it can protect...

请问大家澳洲打工英文差通常找到什么工作去澳洲打工度假,虽然不需要检付任何英文证照,但是!!!英文程度高低是会影响到找工作的性质与薪资。以下是粗略的工资概况: 工厂或劳力工作 澳币$14 - $17/小时 (NT$ 389 - 472/小时)...

弗兰肯斯坦英文简介要翻译At university, Victor Frankenstein excels at chemistry and other sciences, soon developing a secret technique to impart life to non-living matter, which eventua...

生物工程英文简历高积分求助With chemical analysis of the theoretical knowledge, to use chemical analysis and equipment analysis of the material component of the analysis, master of protei...

求高人为我写一封英文的推荐信!急用大恩不言谢我十分荣幸地向您推荐我的学生某某,作为该学生大学毕业论文的指导者和微观经济学的授课老师,我在此为该学生做一些中肯的评价。It is my honor to recommend my student 某某....

急求翻译这份推荐信英文Distinguished leadership: A: hello! Very glad to be in such a way to recommend excellent students XX to you. XX classmate is a graduate student at the universit...
