

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[寻求招标控制价编制毕业设计的参考文献]1、GB/T52006,中华人民共和国国家标准——建筑工程建筑面积计算规范.北京:中国标准出版社,2005(2013印刷)。 2、杨淑琴.谈谈招标文件编制[J]. 商场现代化[M]. 2006年1月。 3、...+阅读

This design is dependent on a rapid gentamicin sulfate production of the new methods, the process by changing the culture in the process of fermentation temperature and feeding time, the production process than ever before fermentation greatly shortened the training cycle. In this design, First a brief account of the physical and chemical properties of gentamicin sulfate sulfate, drugs, and drug resistance in the process, then gentamicin sulfate production process outlined. Gentamicin sulfate in the production process in the narrative We know that gentamicin sulfate using fermentation technology training, divided into training and seed bottle fermentation flask culture. Gentamicin sulfate prepared by the fermentation, crude and refined composition of the three Section. Section fermentation tank, including seeds Sterilization, inoculation, seeds can cultivate, fermentation tank training. Extracts Section, including resin and resin adsorption analysis. Refining Section, including the enrichment of desorption, to the salt, decolorizing. After three Section out in front of refined through the liquid and spray drying Packaging the final product. III is the basis for the design of pharmaceutical companies, is designed from quantitative to qualitative, is the basis for the pipeline design, this design is the core content. Centering on the design of a rapid gentamicin sulfate production of the new method A more detailed material balance, energy balance, equipment selection and calculation. Materials accounting, including six parts, namely the fermentation process to account for two, fermentation materials account for an adsorption process to account for, Screening process to account for, anti-washing, elution process to account for, refined the process to account for. Energy ba



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