

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[冰河世纪3英文简介]Life begins to change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible romance in a female sabre-t...+阅读

Waterworld (1995)

In the future, the Earth is engulfed with water when the polar ice caps melts, leaving the lands and civilization beneath the sea. In "Waterworld" drifters sail across the waters of the world on their man-made ships, trading for supplies and salvaging what is left of civilization, communities of survivors lives in towns called "Atolls" and a force of evil pirates "The Smokers" travel across Waterworld in search of a mythical island called "Dryland". Arriving at a Atoll, a mysterious drifter without a name called The Mariner is sentenced to death when the community discover he is a mutant. When the Atoll is attacked by The Smokers led by their evil leader Deacon, a woman named Helen and her adopted daughter Enola bribes The Mariner to take them to Dryland, believing The Mariner has been there. But the Mariner, Helen and Enola are pursued by Deacon and the Smokers, when The Mariner learns the tattoo on Enola's back is in reality a map that will lead them to Dryland...


求播音专业英文简历翻译The broadcast work connoisseurship, the broadcast and the management art introduction, the broadcast creation foundation, the program manages art, the televisio...

请大家介绍一下劲爆的英文歌曲全球最好听的100首歌 1. don't cry--guns n' roses这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2. fa...

可以推荐几首女声轻快的英文歌吗2008年及2008年以前的我就推荐两首吧:I'm Glad - Jennifer Lopez Will You Be Ok – 702 以下都是2009年的新歌:Eh Eh [Nothing Else I Can Say] - Lady GaGa (2009) All I Wa...

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推荐几首英文歌稍微容易唱点的Because I love you 1,2,step the day you went away an angel lemon tree tell me why when you say nothing at all sailing when you believe American pie no matter wh...

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谁能帮我翻译这篇自我介绍小学英文老师工作经历介绍This summer I went to the Shanghai New Oriental bubble children's summer camp, as an assistant work. The main is to assist in teaching, teachers completed the c...

邮件简历开场白英文Dear Ms or Mr: hello, I have been informed that there is a job vacancy for a costume QC in your company, so I write this application for that vacancy by E-mail....

谁有 lt未来水世界 gt的介绍啊?最好英文的电影名也要Waterworld (1995)In the future, the Earth is engulfed with water when the polar ice caps melts, leaving the lands and civilization beneath the sea。 In "Waterwor...
