

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Flowers are one of the most beautiful things that God has made.They come in many colours - like red,pink,yellow,white,orange and purple. Some flowers like the sunflower and dahlia are big,while some like the phlox and morning glory are small.Most flowers have a sweet smell.I like the smell of rose and jasmine very much. Flowers add colour and beauty to our lives.In the winter,gardens and parks are full of different coloured flowers.Even during the dull summer months flowers like gulmohar and amaltas add colour to the streets. There are many flowers in my garden.I love to smell them and touch their soft petals.I never pluck them - mummy says it is wrong to do so . Go with Green First, let`s talk about the importance of green plants. Green plants, through the photosynthesis turn solar energy into bio-energy? And environment to constitute the organic matter of the plant. The green plant is the foundation of energy transformation and material circulation of the earth biosphere and it is the direct source of materials and energy needed in the existence and development of human beings and other living things. Therefore, to maintain the each ecosystem, improve the living environment of human beings and guarantee the continuous development of the earth. We should conserve the natural green plants and make them reasonable. The reduction of the green plant deteriorates the environment, causes mere drought, storms, and serious soil erosion and make the greenhouse effect a mere serious problem. Protecting the green plant has been one of the common, concerns over the world. The tragedies cased by the destruction of the forest are not rarely seen, now and before. The plain of Mesopotamia once conceived the brilliant Babylon cult we in ancient times. Garden of Eden in the myth was a good illustration of this paradise on the earth, but it became a barren land because of the early, inhabitants reckless destruction of the forests in the air with the virus, lower the thick degree of harmful to leave regulate people`s promote the blood circulation, improve myocardial function, urge the human body metabolism, and in crease the immunity function, now each hospital may be full. If the green plant has not a certain reflective wave produces a function that lower a strength, now maybe many are living in a silent world. The plant has not only these functions above but can restrict headwaters while raining and keep the water and soil. Through the evaporation function it can increase the humidity in the air which is beneficial for the rainfall. Some green plants for example, forest can still obviously lower the wind velocity and make the farm crop evaporate to reduce slow, the degree of humidity in crease, and improve the small weather of farmland, and validate to prevent farm crop from suffering the sandstorm, dry bane, ground to resist the farmland to suffer the desert invade to swallow. The forest also is the habitat of many creatures, especially the rare animals. They are indispensable in the maintenance of the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Besides, green plant has the important meaning in the beautifying environment protecting and improving city environment. The above are common sense, as senior high school students, we definitely know them, how about us? We, however, did not treat them kindly, how can we forget the flood in the year of 1998? Didn`t we discover that it was the revenge on mankind for this selfishness! Can`t you remain indifferent to the denudation? If you think I`m talking dogma, but please think it over, in severed years, when you find your descendants take pains to obtain enough air and water, what will you feel? Then you begin to regret isn`t it too late? Wow, the deserts are swallowing human`s "rice bowls"--Isn`t it frightening? Isn`t the global soil erosion just like human "blood" drained to the sea? The lands are desert zed, "rice bowls" sweltered, "blood" drained can human beings still survive on the earth? Can human civilization continue? Will the history of mankind be ruined in our hand? Are we willing to be condemned throughout the ages? The answer is "no" "absolutely no", we can`t let the tragedy occur, we will continue to keep the ecological balance, to plant trees to make the earth more beautiful. Tianshan Middle School


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