

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇英语短文介绍生活环境30个词左右]I like my living place very much.It is a nice white house with a big yard.The evironment is very good.There are lots of beautiful trees and flowers aound our vi...+阅读

Brief Introduction of Ludong University

Ludong University, under the jurisdiction of Shandong Provincial Government, is located in Yantai, a beautiful seaside city in the east of Shandong Peninsula surrounded by Bohai Sea and Huanghai Sea. As one of the first 14 coastal cities opening to the world, Yantai boasts enviable environment, comfortable climate, a population of friendly citizens and prosperous economy. Yantai is not only famous as “the best city to live” by UN, International Wine and Vine City, but also earns its name with its rapid development, cuisine, safety and tourism.

Ludong University, formerly called Yantai Normal College, founded in 1930, is a comprehensive university with arts, science and engineering as its mainstay and coordinated multidisciplinary development. The campus covers an area of 2134 mu, among which 826,000 square meters is contributed to teaching buildings. There are 22 colleges, 17 key provincial disciplines, laboratories and Arts & Social Science research bases, 13 first-level disciplines for master-degree programs, 77 second-disciplines for master-degree programs, 5 disciplines for professional master programs (with 19 specialties), and 73 majors for undergraduate programs. Currently, there are 1401 full-time teachers, and more than 29,000 students, including 1,300 postgraduates, over 27,000 undergraduates and about 800 international students.

In line with the trend of globalization, Ludong University has opened up through increasingl


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