

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[根据表格的信息写一篇80词写蛇的英语作文]The snake, belongs to Reptilia, Serpentes, is the real terrestrial vertebrates. The main rat snake to eat (also eat frogs, birds, snakes) ugly in one's appearan...+阅读

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i like蛇的英语作文The snake is a kind of long and thin animal,a slender body,limbs,incomplete,no degradation of animals,no film eyelid,no legs,no stand out potential,the body sur...

有关一些蛇的有趣的事实的英语作文The Anaconda is also foot per foot a much bigger snake than the Python, being both heavier and wider in girth. This is probably because the anaconda, a water sn...

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