

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语口语面试1请介绍你自己家乡家庭个人爱好与特长]I got your letter yesterday. I' m glad to know you will come to Beijing. I' m going to have a one-month holiday at that time.I can show you around Beijing. Ther...+阅读

One A system that transmits forces in a predetermined manner to accomplish specific objectives may be considered a machine. A mechanism may be defined in a similar manner, but the term mechanism is usually applied to a system where the principal function is to transmit motion. Kinematics is the study of motion in mechanisms, while the analysis of forces and torques in machines is called dynamics. 1. 一个以预定方式完成特定目标的,传递力的系统可以认为是一种机器。

一个机构可以以类似的方式加以定义,但机构这个术语通常被用于一个主要功能是传递运动的系统。运动学是研究机构的运动,而对机器中的力和转矩的分析则称为动力学 Once the need for a machine or mechanism with given characteristic is identified, the design process be begins. Detailed analysis of displacements, velocities, and accelerations is usually required. This part of the design process is then followed by analysis of forces and torques. 一旦认定需要具有给定特性的机器或机构,设计过程就开始了。

通常需要详细分析位移、速度和加速度。在设计过程的这一部分以后,接着就是分析力和转矩。The design process may continue long after first models have been produced and include redesigns of components that affect velocities, accelerations, forces, and torques. In order to successfully compete from year to year, most manufacturers must continuously modify their product and their methods of production. Increases in production rate, updating of product performance, redesign for cost and weight reduction, and motion analysis of new product lines are frequently required. Success may hinge on the correct kinematic and dynamic analysis of the problem.设计过程可能在第一个模型生产出来后继续很长时间,并包括对可能影响速度、加速度、力和转矩的元部件的重新设计。

为了成功进行年复一年的竞争,大多数制造商必须不断修改自己的产品技它们的生产方法。生产速度的提高、产品性能的更新、为了降低成本和重量进行重新设计,以及新产品生产线的运动分析等都是不断需要的。成功可能取决于问题的正确的运动学分析和动力学分析。 Many of the basic linkage configurations have been incorporated into machines designed centuries ago, and the terms we use to describe them have changes over the years. Thus, definitions and terminology will not be consistent throughout the technical literature. In most cases, however, meanings will be clear form the context of descriptive matter. A few terms of particular interest to the study of kinematics and dynamics of machines are defined. 很多基本的连锁机构的配置在几个世纪前就已结合进设计的机器中,而我们用来描述它们的术语也随着年代而改变了。

因此,定义和术语在技术文献中不是一致的。可是在大多数情况下,从所叙述事物的来龙去脉看这些意义是清楚的。对研究机器运动学和动力学特别有意义的几个术语做了定义。 Two A new machine is born because there is a real or imagined need for it. It evolves from some one's conception of a device with which to accomplish a particular purpose. From the conception follows a study of the arrangement of the parts, the location and length of links (which may include a kinematic study of the linkage), the places for gears, bolts, springs, cams, and other elements of machines. With all ideas subject to change and improvement, several solutions may be and usually are found, the seemingly best one being chosen. 2 一台新机器因为有真实的或想象的需要而诞生。

它从某个人用来完成一项特定目的的设计概念演变而来。从这一概念,引来对零部件排列,连接部件位置和长度(这可能包括连杆机构运动学的研究),齿轮、螺栓、弹簧、凸轮和其他机器元件的放置等的研究。在所有想法都受到改变和改进的同时,就会发现,而且通常就会发现若干解决方案,然后选择似乎最佳的方案。 The actual practice of designing is applying a combination of scientific principles and a knowing judgment based on experience. It is seldom that a design problem has only one right answer, a situation that is often annoying to the beginner in machine design. 设计的实际惯例是采用科学原理和根据经验建立的明智判断。

很少有一个设计问题只有一个正确答案,这是一个常常令机器设计新手烦恼的情况。 Design problems usually have more than on answer. Given a general statement of a design problem, such as a machine to wash clothes in the home automatically, and there will be as many different answers there are design teams—as attested by the number of washing machines on the market. 设计问题通常有一个以上的答案。假设给出一个设计问题的一般性说法,比如一台家用自动洗衣机,而那么有多少设计小组就有多少不同的答案,就像市场上洗衣机的数目所证明的那样。


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