

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[推荐100首好听的英文歌]chytmh of the rain 雨之旋律 绿箭口香糖 quando quando quando 喜力啤酒 happy together 喜力啤酒 we'll kiss you everyday 曼秀雷敦唇膏 colorfuldays 丰田威驰 everyday...+阅读

Bella Swan has always been a little bit different,never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks,Washington,she doesn't expect much of anything to change.Then she meets the mysterious and extremely good-looking Edward Cullen,a boy unlike any she's ever met. Edward is a vampire,but he doesent have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood.Intelligent and witty,Edward sees stralght into Bella's soul. Soon,Bella and Edward begin a passionate exciting and unusual romance.To Edward,Bella is what he has waited 90 years for ——a soulmate.But the closer they get,the more Edward mast sturggle to resist the pull of her scent,which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Then there comes the trouble.A group or new vampires——James,Laurent,and Victoria——come to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life.What will Bella and Edward do?


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