

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁有幼儿园大班毕业时可以用的英语毕业诗]Today,it's the last time I stand here how joyful am I with teachers and friends I will enter elementary school in an coules of days to be a pupil in grade one h...+阅读

《The Beautiful Ugly Pig》不错的 附原文:The Beautiful Ugly Pig 作者:高埗中心小学英语科组 剧中角色: King Lion , Pig , Pig's mother , Rabbit , Squirrel , Cat , Dog , Bird , Elephant 布景:树林、动物聚集,召开森林会议 Dog : Good morning, little duck !Duck : Good morning .Nice to meet you!Cat : Mew! I don't know what happen . Do you know?Dog and Duck (做出不知的动作) : I don't know.Tim (Pig) : I think Lion King will have good news for us.Cat : I hope so!Bird and Elephant : Just wait and see. Look, Lion King is coming.(森林之王,Lion King 出场,场面顿时安静) Lion: Good morning ,everybody ! Next week is my birthday. I'm going to hold a grand ball. I hope all of you will come with your dancing partners.(动物们像炸开了的锅,议论纷纷,各抒己见,异常兴奋) Dog: Wow ! Great !Duck: Oh ! I can show my new dress!Cat : Mew ! I can dance with my dear Kelly !Tim: (很兴奋,期待的样子) Oh! I'm so excited ! I must look for my partner.(动物们散场,换场景,撤走森林王国,出现磨茹屋) Tim : (边走边想) Who will be my partner? Miss cow, Miss Horse┈┈(边走边自言自语)Ah, yes! Miss Rabbit can be my dancing partner. She's so kind and dances very well.(Pig went to Miss Rabbit's house and knocked his door.) Hello, Miss Rabbit !Rabbit: Hi ,Tim ! Tim : Next week, there will be a grand ball in the Kingdom. I hope you can be my dancing partner.Rabbit: (Look at Tim from up to down , 显出一副瞧不起的样子) You ? You're too ugly (shook her head) Go back and make yourself look beautiful! Tim : (低下头,很不开心) Oh, am I ugly? Oh, I'm ugly !(回到家Tim went home and looking at himself in the mirror. 拿起妈妈的化妆盒开始化起妆来)Ha, ha ,I will be a handsome boy !(不小心把化妆盒打翻了,Tim's mother 闻声而来) Tim's mother: Oh, my god ! What's the matter, Tim?Tim : Look ,Mum ! Am I beautiful enough ?I will take part in the ball with Miss Rabbit.Tim's mother: (摆出无可奈何的样子)My dear! You're beautiful now. (心痛地拾起化妆盒) Tim 到衣柜挑衣服,试了一件又一件,Mother 又心痛地走过来。

、 Tim's mother : Oh , my dear. This one is beautiful and fit to you . (帮Tim 穿上衣服), Look, how handsome you are !Tim : Really? (他在镜子边照了照) Ah, I'm a handsome boy now . Thank you , mum ! (边说边高兴地跑向Miss Rabbit' house) Ha, ha .I'm good-looking. She must like me .Tim: Miss Rabbit. (Knocked the door) Rabbit : Who is it ?Tim: It's me , Tim. I'm coming. And I give you a surprise . Rabbit: What ? Surprise ? (Look at him and shook her head again) No, no , no !You look even uglier than before! I won't be you dancing partner. (Tim was very sad. 走在回家的路上) Tim: I'm so ugly. No 0ne wants to be my dancing partner. (伤心得差点落泪) (正在这时,Tim 听到远处传来了呼救声) Squirrel: Help! Help!Tim: Oh !(闻声寻找,走到一个小水池塘旁,往下一看,小松鼠正在拼命的争扎) Oh, Mr. Squirrel, let me help you. (它在池塘边找来了一根竹子,拼命的将Mr. Squirrel 往上拉上岸) Squirrel ; Tim , you're so brave and so clever. Thank you very much!Tim : Not at all ! Why were you in the pond? Squirrel : I fell down from the tree. I can't swimming .I'm so lucky.Tim: (smile) 走到池塘边,想洗手,从水的倒影中,发现自己变得the most ugly. He's very sad. ) Oh , what ugly I am !(At that time ,a fairy appeared) Fairy: Tim .Don't worry about it .You needn't unhappy. Your beauty is inside you .Tim: What? My beauty is inside me ? Really? Don't fool with me. (Tim suddenly saw a ligtht .) Oh, that's true . My beauty is inside me . I'm not an ugly pig. I'm a beauty. (on the day of the ball, all the animals wore beautiful clothes and made up ,except Tim.) Animals : Tim, you look so special! You're the beautiful ugly pig! (Animals invited Tim to dance together.) Tim: Ha ,ha , I'm so happy. Thank you.(所有的动物一起又唱双跳,They had a happy time.)


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