

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求用英语辞职信内容是辞职的原因压力大工作时间长越]Dear XXX, Please accept my resignation. I plan to leave my job here on xxx(具体时间) As you know, the reason is mainly i can't adapt to more and more tasks within...+阅读


Zhu yan fu



1998.9-2001.7 shulan NO.15 Middelschool.

2001.8-2002.7 shulan NO.1 Middelschool.

2002.9-2006.7 Dept.of German, Yanbian University of Science and Technology.

Academic Main Courses


German Culture German Pronunciation Practice

German Conversation

German Composition( 1,2.3) English Grammar English Reading

German Translation German Practice

International Trade

Principles of Management

Principles of Accounting

Principles of Economics

Economy Writing

Human Resource Management

Chinese Economic Law

Introduction to Statistics


Korea Conversation Korea writing Korea Reading

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other programs; Chinese, English and German Typing

German and English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written German and passed German-4 Test.

Have a good command of both spoken and written English and passed Englisch-4 Test.

Scholarships and Awards

• 2003.9—2004.9 Tuition Scholarships from American

• 2005.9 Tuition Scholarship from American


• General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

• Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense

INTERESTS & HOBBIES: Literary writing, reading, participation in various conferences and colloquia, computers, cooking, movies, travel .



英语辞职信中辞职的理由都怎么说One of the following circumstances exist laborers can write a letter of resignation in accordance with the employer the facts on the grounds. ① not in accordan...


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计算机毕业生个人简历看看我这个简历可否参考一下 :: 有没问题?? 自我评价 事业心上进心很强,掌握了很多的理论知识和实用技能,工作学习态度谦虚认真,能深切体会到团队精神的重要性,能有独特的设计思想和...

英语个人简历的格式是怎样的这得根据你的专业,你的学历,以及你要应聘的职位来决定,各有侧重点。正好我今年研三,即将毕业,在找工作,本人英语专业。我就将我的英文简历发给你看下,希望对你有用。ResumeName: Ge...

怎样写一份交学生会秘书部个人简历样版晚上好!我很荣幸能参加这次学生会的竞选,我叫 ,也就是今天的9号。 进大一以来,我在班上先后担任组织委员、团支书、体育委员。并且一直在校团委会组织部工作。组织部是一个处理...

我需要一份英语的PPT自我介绍My friend, you know me? My name is Jiang Yao Yi, 10 years old this year, Samsung in fourth grade, reading in Chinese schools in VIII. God is my eyes, my nose is...

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