

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语辞职信中辞职的理由都怎么说]One of the following circumstances exist laborers can write a letter of resignation in accordance with the employer the facts on the grounds. ① not in accordan...+阅读

I think the word you're looking for is "student advisor"

student advisor is sometimes working as a consultant in a student centure for students rather than help them with acedemic study.

He/she may answer questions such as what courses you should take to earn credits you need,or all other kinds of problems met by students in their daily life.



国旗的来历英语简介带翻译50字The five-star red flag is designed by Zengliansong,And this flag consists of one big golden star and 4 small one beside it.The big star is on behalf of the Comm...

英语中个人简历的格式是怎样的这得根据你的专业,你的学历,以及你要应聘的职位来决定,各有侧重点。正好我今年研三,即将毕业,在找工作,本人英语专业。我就将我的英文简历发给你看下,希望对你有用。ResumeName: Ge...

我需要一份英语的PPT自我介绍My friend, you know me? My name is Jiang Yao Yi, 10 years old this year, Samsung in fourth grade, reading in Chinese schools in VIII. God is my eyes, my nose is...

急求:英语个人简历Resume Zhu yan fu zhu.yanfu163.com Education 1998.9-2001.7 shulan NO.15 Middelschool. 2001.8-2002.7 shulan NO.1 Middelschool. 2002.9-2006.7 Dept.of German, Yanb...

英语自我简介急需Ladies and gentlemen ,now I am going to give you a brief introduction about myself. I am 阿昌 . As everybody has seen, I am a boy. I am 19 years old and I have...

急求英语个人简介一、brief introduction of myself 1、I am 14 years old, and studying in Beijiao Middle School. I like playing shuttlecock. I have a vivacious and open mind and h...

农村小学英语阅读能力的培养相关论文介绍一下你可以上原上草论文网或者教育界杂志社官网上面找找,上面论文很丰富! 范文: 英语新课程标准指出,小学生的英语学习在毕业时要达到二级目标要求——即除了能认读、理解教材上所示...

