

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请问英文简历和自我鉴定怎么写]1. your personnel details (age, address, date of birth, ... 2. your working experience (from latest to earliet) 3. your education (from latest to earliest) 4. t...+阅读

At the center of the Iberian Peninsula on the Meseta plateau Madrid, the capital of Spain, 400 years of history, is the Spanish political, economic and cultural center. Spain concentrated around the culture, a culture of Spain in Madrid cultural essence. Since King Philip II of Spain in the 16th century the city now, the fate of the Madrid henceforth be changed. Spain became the most important city status began to rise, and the other leading cities, Madrid in a short period of time is rapidly becoming Europe's top arts center also attributed to this. In the center of Madrid, the Sun Gate, street radial disperse, all directions are many scenic spots, people have no alternative. in the Netherlands Antilles than to square with the Plaza or on the road to the palace, filled with art, behind the Royal Palace (Palacio Real) a vast collection of valuable paintings Prado Museum (Paseo del Pradio) Unique in form of Castile Plaza, the Spanish people feel the most unique art and cultural style. In Madrid, the city has become a walking enjoyment, tireless, walk in the sunlight, stroll along the grass, if hungry, you can order a seafood meal, and accompanied by delicious Sherri liquor. If the pin is available only to, it can also sit in the shade of coffee Lane. Madrid arts are everywhere, perhaps alone in a corner of the road waiting for you.


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急求毕业感言英文版和其翻译急求希望大家能The farewell day would the least expected day in my life, but it has come eventually. At this momnet, I have to say that it is such a priviliage and honor to ha...

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推荐信英文翻译!!1, the workplace, the applicant XX into the company from 2002 have been for 7 years. 2, work a strong sense of responsibility, quick thinking, a sense of innova...

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