

02月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[推荐信英文翻译!!]1, the workplace, the applicant XX into the company from 2002 have been for 7 years. 2, work a strong sense of responsibility, quick thinking, a sense of innova...+阅读

如果你有具体的资料,我可以协助你,到我空间留言吧! 马克吐温对朋友道歉说:"对不起,我没时间给你写一封短信!" 写一封好的短信比长篇大论难多了!! TO: Prof. So&So Faculty of XYZ Department of ABC University of PQR Dear Prof. So&So [Further to my application made on DDMMYY], I have the pleasure of supplementing it [my application] with this letter of introduction to offer you a more rounded view of myself. As my primary interest is in researching “Topic of Special Interest”, I have done a fair bit of research to locate the best mentor and the best institution to allow me to realize my objectives. Your work in “Area of Special Interest” , especially your publications in “list details…….” , are of particular interest to me and they are the reasons why I seek entry to your university. If admitted, I am able to continue work along the lines of your present research without much training or supervision since I have exposure and actual experience in the following areas: “ list details………” During my university years, I am used to working in a team environment. For example, list……as many cases as possible to show leadership and effective work in a team environment…… Write up one or two cases to show desirable attributes such as ……innovative, persist in solving problems, hard working and having every good interpersonal skills. (Note: it is quite bland to just quote the words, I am creative, hardworking, reliable etc. etc., no one will take note of this very much; it is far better to offer actual examples in your personal history to show these attributes!!) In closing, although I have not been to your city, I did a fair bit of investigation on the environs of PQR University and found the people and geography there highly exciting. I am looking forward to settling down there already! Yours sincerely, Your prospective student


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