

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求人帮忙写毕业论文3000字]你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框...+阅读

Violin 小提琴:A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth, an unfretted fingerboard, and a shallower body than the viol and capable of great flexibility in range, tone, and dynamics. 用弓演奏的一种弦乐器,具有在第五音的音程上调音的四根弦和不分格指板,形体较古提琴浅,音域、音色和强弱相当灵活。 Viola 中提琴:A stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone. 提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮。

Cello 大提琴:A four-stringed instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass. 一种提琴类四弦乐器,音调比中提琴低但比低音提琴高。 Double bass 低音提琴或大贝司:The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra, also used frequently in jazz ensembles, especially played pizzicato. The double bass, usually considered a member of the violin family, is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols. It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C. 尤用于拨奏的现代管弦乐队的最大弓弦乐器,也常用于爵士乐合奏。

低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为第四级音,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点。它有始于中音以下三个八度音阶的深度范围。 flute 长笛:A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown. 由一根一端封闭的纤细管子组成的高音木管乐器,侧边有按键和指孔,靠近封闭端有一个使气流进入的开口。

piccolo 短笛:A small flute pitched an octave above a regular flute. 一种音调比普通笛子高八度音的小笛子。 clarinet 单簧管:A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys. 单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏。 oboe 双簧管:A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound. 带有一个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个八度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音。

English horn 英国管:A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth. 一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度。 bassoon或fogotto 大管:A low-pitched woodwind instrument with a double reed, having a long wooden body attached to a U-shaped lateral tube that leads to the mouthpiece. The range of this instrument is typically two octaves lower than that of the oboe. 巴松管,低音管一种低调的有双簧的木管乐器,有长的木质管身并与通向吹口的侧面管身相连,这种乐器的音域范围比双簧管明显的低两个八音度。

double bassoon 低音大管:The largest and lowest pitched of the double-reed wind instruments, sounding an octave below the bassoon. 双簧管系管乐器中音高最低的也是最大的乐器,比低音管的音高低一个八度。 horn或French horn 圆号或法国圆号:A valved brass wind instrument that produces a mellow tone from a long, narrow tube that is coiled in a circle before ending in a flaring bell. 一种有活瓣的铜管乐器,从漩涡形且端部有喇叭口的又长又细的管子里发出圆润的乐音。

trumpet 小号:A soprano brass wind instrument consisting of a long metal tube looped once and ending in a flared bell, the modern type being equipped with three valves for producing variations in pitch. 一种高音铜管乐器,由一根从前为环状的金属管和呈喇叭口得末端构成,现代小号上装有三个活瓣以制造不同的音高。 cornet 短号:A wind instrument of the trumpet class, having three valves operated by pistons. 号类的一种管乐器,有三个用活塞控制的栓塞。

trombone 长号:A brass instrument consisting of a long cylindrical tube bent upon itself twice, ending in a bell-shaped mouth, and having a movable U-shaped slide for producing different pitches. 一种铜管乐器,由弯曲两次的长圆筒形金属管构成,尾部有喇叭形口,有一个可滑动的U 形拉管,可发出不同音高的音。 tuba 大号:A large, valved, brass wind instrument with a bass pitch. 大型带活塞的低音铜管乐器。

harp 竖琴:An instrument consisting of an upright, open triangular frame with usually 46 strings of graded lengths played by plucking with the fingers.一种有一个通常系有四十六根长短不一的琴弦的直立的开放三角架、弹奏时用手指拨动琴弦的乐器。 piano 钢琴:An instrument with a manual keyboard actuating hammers that strike wire...


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