

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Today's college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm (蜂拥) into job market or look every talent fair (人才交流会) for potential employers. The concept of selling (推销) oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.

Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.Now more and more students lose their jobs when they graduate from school. It's easy for some students to find work. But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they don't want to do the job, they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.

Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it ,but somebody is free with no job.

As the job market gets shrinking, it has also become a must for undergraduates (在校本科生)to work harder than before to keep their competitive edge (保持竟争地位). More students are engaged in their studies with no distractions (分心,干扰). They are investing today for a promising (大有希望的,前途无量的) tomorrowAs far as I'm concerned, those students who want to find a higher salary but have no better job to do should be do a easy work from basic.Work hard on ,I believe through their hardwork they'll get a better job soon.


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