

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[普罗旺斯小镇风景英语简介做好附有中文翻译]Provence in southern France, from the date of birth on her carefully guarded secret, until the arrival of the British Bidemeier, Provence has a unique lifestyle...+阅读

《逆光飞翔》(英语:Touch of the Light)是一部2012年的台湾电影,改编自真人真事,描述一名全盲钢琴家与梦想成为舞者的女孩,一段好友互相鼓励勇敢逐梦的历程。

Touch of the Light is a 2012 Taiwanese drama film directed by Chang Jung-Chi.[1] The film was selected as the Taiwanese entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards, but it did not make the final shortlist.


天生眼盲的裕翔,首次离家北上念书,他琴弹得好,却坚持不参加任何比赛,因为不想被同情,他只想跟大家过得一样。此时,他遇见爱跳舞的小洁,因故被迫放弃学舞,却交了个一跳街舞就闪耀着光芒的男友,暖阳般的裕翔走进她的世界,融化了小洁冰冷的心。裕翔的勇敢深深牵引小洁;而小洁带领裕翔经历不曾有过的冒险。他们填补彼此遗失的力量,就算梦想遥不可及,也不再是独自面对。 青春的他们,大声嘶吼着,现在的他们,朝着最初的梦想,迈开步伐,逆光而行。

Based on true events related to the life of Taiwanese piano prodigy Huang Yu-Siang (Siang played by himself), this is a story of inspiration, discovery and love. Born to a rural family in Taiwan unprepared for the birth of a blind son, Siang was a curious and precocious child. Touch and sound was everything to him. With the love of his mother and support of his family, he grew up with no barriers - that is until he had to face the real world as he left his family behind in order to attend university where he had to compete on the same playing field as the sighted students and to find his own way. He soon crossed paths with Jie (Sandrine Pinna), a beautiful but frustrated cold drinks vendor who dreams of being a dancer, but whose struggles against the harsh realities of her life render her helpless. However, when she witnesses Siang's fearless determination and understood his optimism and inner peace, she is inspired and determined to hold on to her dream. Touch of the Light - a story ...


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