

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[应聘银行的英文简历]Bobo Smith 944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523 Home: (925) 555-5555 Office: (925) 555-6666 OBJECTIVE Director of Training, First Nationwide B...+阅读

1Oneself is passing to connect the course that the origin persues law profession particularly now;The educational background is an university, the undergraduate course is learning

2, oneself hold the post of personal loan section customer a post of manager in the company in now, the main work contents is toward the customer to introduce a new bank product, completing a company the business index sign of the establishment, expanding new customer's community, carrying out a related service of lending money the business for the customer.Support a relationship with each bank.

3, oneself treat a work hard be responsible for, be good at the work which moderates an of each section.Own a good cooperative relation with bank.Acquaint with the bank various product and operation process, own extensive society relation and good communication ability.Can complete various work mission that the superior hands over to treat independently.


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