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[介绍同学的英语作文]介绍一个人当然是要从名字开始了,那么对于介绍同学,要如何介绍才能使人印象深刻呢?下面让我们一起来看看吧! 篇一:我的同学玛丽 My Classmate Mary Mary is one of my ClASSmat...+阅读

She is fifteen years old with long ang black hair、,I am healthier than before,长着水汪汪的大眼睛.Beside.她说跳舞可以使人身体健康,有时候她让我跟她一起去上跳舞课.Her favorite subject is Chinese,big and sparkling eyes.She is good at dancing.我最喜欢的科目是数学.另外.在她的帮助下我以前健康多了. 有一篇现成的供你参考,我们都会因为同样的原因而发笑.She says dancing can keep people healthy and sometimes she asks me to go to the dancing class with her.My favorite suject is Math,她15岁.With her help.她擅长跳舞.我们经常在学习上相互帮助.We often help each other with studyMy classmate My best friend and also my classmate is xxx,留着长长的黑发.她最喜欢的科目是语文,we both think the same thing is funny. 我的好朋友也是我的同学叫某某


写一篇介绍同学的作文差不多两百字不能说出同学的名字要写我有个同学非常要好的同学。她一头乌黑色的秀发,戴着黑框眼镜,皮肤很白,内双眼皮,眼睛非常漂亮,鼻子俏挺,嘴唇略厚,样子长得非常漂亮,还总是喜欢用姐来自称。 我最欣赏她的人品和她...

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