

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[介绍同学的英语作文]介绍一个人当然是要从名字开始了,那么对于介绍同学,要如何介绍才能使人印象深刻呢?下面让我们一起来看看吧! 篇一:我的同学玛丽 My Classmate Mary Mary is one of my ClASSmat...+阅读

I have 3 classmates.lucy ,lily jim.

lucy is a sunny girl,she like singing and dance.she is good at singing and she had won a champion on competition when she was 10 yeas old .

lily is shy than other people,but she is very talented .she has many hobbys .for example writing books and come out with the books.

jim is activity, he just like play to baskte ball.And he have a team in school with the friends that like to baskte ball.




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