

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[推荐些好听的纯音乐]三颗猫饼干 - 橘色温度. 宾客斯的美酒 钢琴曲. 群星 - Autumn Breeze 起风前的相遇 Wayne Gratz - A Time for Us. 恶作剧之吻 - Dream Waltz 纯音乐 - 风居住的街道. 纯音...+阅读

(Raindrops) 纯音乐 Beyong The Horizon Deliverance Eyes on me going home kevin kern - sundial dreams kiss the rain Kleine Anuschka My Soul - July Peaceful Heart river flows in you yiruma 蓝色的爱 漫步神秘园 奇迹 千与千寻片尾曲口琴版 秋日私语-钢琴曲 森林沉睡精灵 献给爱丽丝 想念你的旋律 月光贝多芬 最终幻想 A Long In The Night Birds Over The Rainbow Chasing Fairy Land Goodbye Little Suzy Gread Meditation Heawen's Gate Listen to the Sea Naoyuki Onda_Silver Moon Night Of Barchlona Sea of Tears Visions 爱之欢乐 卡门幻想曲 梦寐以求 我只在乎你


推荐动感纯音乐动感点的音乐tsukasa-relation again tsukasa-celestial tears esti-ovlivion esti-sin tsukasa-landscape urbatronic chopsticks-play the future 仙剑奇侠传 - 雪见—落入凡尘 North...

介绍几首可以做抒情歌曲伴奏的纯音1 安妮的仙境(做广告,我是安妮的仙境吧吧主) 2 神秘园之歌 3 sundial dreams 4 the ludlows燃情岁月 5 火之战车 6 through the arbor穿过树荫 7 春野 8 故乡的原风景(古天乐版...

赞美祖国大好河山的纯音乐有那些推荐的张也:《吉祥颂》、《祖国你好》、《中国的希望》、《中国鼓》 王丽达:《亲吻祖国》 陈莉莉:《红旗颂》、《我家》 严当当:《忘不了》 祖海:《我家在中国》、《和谐中国》 刘一祯:...

推荐几首比较震撼的纯音Tatu的,很赞 Love me is not duty By TATU You don't have to call me when you're not lonely You don't have to care me like once you did You don't have to hug me if...

请大家帮忙推荐些英语经典美文Angel Once upon a time, a child was ready to be born. So he asked God, "How am I going to live there? I am so small and helpless." God answered, "Among many angels...

推荐一些欢快的纯音2nd Moon - A Dancing Teddy(2nd Moon的作品都挺棒的,这首曲子,如果看过韩国的《宫》就会知道了) secret garden - the rap(这首曲最让我喜欢的当然就是它的鼓点,还有那西欧民族...

有哪些舒缓的纯音乐介绍一下听起来很舒服的歌曲也行纯音乐的,推荐:The truth that you leave* The Promise Kiss the rain Forrest Gump Suite 沉醉于风中(S.E.N.S.)* 月光边境(林海) 忧伤还是快乐* 神秘园之歌 新訳鉄を叩きながら...

请大家帮忙推荐些英语经典美文Angel Once upon a time, a child was ready to be born. So he asked God, "How am I going to live there? I am so small and helpless." God answered, "Among many angels...

请大家帮忙推荐一些节奏感很强的纯音乐像Fade这样的01.She is my sin —— Nightwish 02.The Dawn —— Dreamtale 03.The Mass —— Era 04.Hero's Theme —— Steven Burke 05.He's a Pirate —— Klaus Badelt 06.Conquest...
