

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[论如何从英语谚语中学习英语和人生哲理]毕业论文是需要我们认真对待的一件事,小编为大家整理了商务英语毕业论文范文,欢迎阅读与参考! 【摘 要】英语谚语从形式到内涵都颇具特点。这些特点具体体现在英语谚语言简意...+阅读

你好,你的这个短文50词左右太少,我写了比较多,你挑你喜欢的来摘抄一下吧。Dear XiaoWei,I'm glad to receive your letter.In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well.My humble opinion follows:There's no shortcut to learn English,if you can put yourself in an all English-speaking environment you will command a very good spoken English in less than half a year.But if you can't get an environment like that you should make progress step by step.下面是我的一孔之见:学习英语没有捷径的,除非你把自己放入一个全英语的环境中,那样你将会在半年左右的时间掌握不错的口语,如果你找不到这样的环境你只有一步一步来努力了.Word is the foundation of learning English so you must start from word(I don't know your level)but I don't encourage you to learn by rote.单词是学习英语的基本功,所以你必须从单词开始(当然这要视你的水平而定),但是我也不建议你死记硬背地记单词.Here are some notes for you from my own experience:这是我个人经历中的一些要点:1.English-learning should be integrated into daily lives. Not only learn English, but live in English also.将英语真正融入日常生活!不要学英语,而要生活在英语当中! 2.Make some posters with those difficult words and sentences. Hang them in the most outstanding places at home. You will learn them subconsciously.把难单词、难句子制作成海报,贴在家里最显眼的地方,不知不觉就掌握了! 3、Make English your greatest enjoyment,you'll feel uncomfortable once you don't read English.You even can't eat or sleep once you don't read English.不读英语就难受!不读英语就“寝食难安”!让读英语变成“最大的爱好”! 4、The first thing after you open your eyes is speak English loudly.Shout out a day of vigor and brilliant! Shout out a day of full and success 睁开眼睛的第一件事就是“大声喊英语”!喊出一天的活力和辉煌!喊出一天的充实和成功! 5、Shout in English ten minutes before going to bed. Let English come into your subconsciousness. You still learn English when dreaming.入睡前一定要大喊英语十分钟!让英语进入潜意识,做梦也在学英语。

6.Try to speak English out don't be afraid of making mistakes as a beginner.Mistake is inevitable you will deepen the impression and bear it in mind in order to make the same mistake again and you must make a progress from your mistake.试着讲英语,作为一个新手别怕犯错误,错误是难免的,当你犯错误后必须会加深你的印象从而不至于再犯同样的错误,同样你也会从中得到收获.7.The word "more" is the key to learning English.If you want to learn English,more read more listening and more speaking more reading more writing is necessary.学好英语的关键就是"多",听说读写样样都得多练.8.Exploit your self-potential and to your full capacity.The secret of success is consistency to purpose.Diligence is the biggest factor in success. 挖掘你的潜能,成功的秘诀就是持之以恒,勤勉是成功的最大决定性因素. Yours sincerely XiaoZheng


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