

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一封英文推荐信]To Whom It May Concern: It is my great pleasure to remend Miss Lili Zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students in our department. Miss Zhang began attend...+阅读

Dear XXX,

I'd like to introduce one of my best student, Li Shanshan to you. She's a great student with lots of talent. From 2000 to 2003, all my courses she took got A level score. Her gained the second price on the national English compitition at yearXXXX as well. Therefore, I'd like to be her referral and if you need any detail information about her, please feel free to contact me.




写一封英文推荐信To Whom It May Concern: It is my great honour to recommend XXX(你的名字) to you, as she/he was one of my best students in our department. XXX has been attending m...

求一封英文推荐信这是我写给我们班学生的,改动一下应该可以用 A letter of recommendation Dear Sir/Madam, As a teacher at English Schoolof Foreign Studies, I am writing to provide yo...

写一封英文推荐信急急急急!To Whom It May Concern: It is my great honour to recommend XXX(你的名字) to you, as she/he was one of my best students in our department. XXX has been attending m...

急需诚实守信美德少年推荐理由和具体材料详见问题补充体标准分别为: 1、文明有礼美德少年——礼貌待人,言语谦和,行为文明,举止得体;模范遵守《中小学生日常行为规范》和社会公德,养成公共生活好习惯,自觉维护城市公共秩序和城市形象。...

求一封日语自我推荐信イグゼクス委员长:すみません。私の名前はXXを、 25歳、芸术院四川大学の卒业生がされている场合Huaxi 。あなたの会社のアート、取缔役会の会长を知らずの普及のための最适...

急需诚实守信美德少年推荐理由和具体材料详见问题补充诚实守信美体标准分别为: 1、文明有礼美德少年——礼貌待人,言语谦和,行为文明,举止得体;模范遵守《中小学生日常行为规范》和社会公德,养成公共生活好习惯,自觉维护城市公共秩序和城市形象。...

求写一封关于到美国上大学的英文推荐信!急急急!这是我给我的学生写的推荐信。改一改就可以用。 RE: Yi Li's application for admission for the undergraduate study To Whom It May Concern: The purpose of this lette...

来高手帮我翻译和优化一封英文推荐信试一下 Hope it could live up to your standard! X is a gifted student with a good sense of imagination and creativity,and is also capable of pioneering and worki...

求一封父母推荐信为中华崛起而读书 ——xx同学的家长推荐信 尊敬的x校领导: xx同学生于x年,x岁,男, xx年,他以优异的成绩毕业于xx初中,出于对知识的向往和渴望,xx同学报考了xx中学,在这二年多的时间...
