

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com


"X has been an assistant in my laboratory during the past year, and has proven to be exceptional in several respects。 First, X is exceptionally intelligent。 He proved to be a very quick study, learning the elements of experimental design and the uses of microcomputers in record time。 Furthermore, his questions are always thoughtful and penetrating。 X threw himself into his assigned projects wholeheartedly, and shows every sign of having real talent in 。

。 。 。 I was a little surprised by his high degree of enthusiasm because I knew that X was not primarily interested in 。 。 。 。 When I mentioned this to him, I discovered that he has well defined career goals that mesh with the projects he was working on 。 。 。 。 Second, X is exceptionally diligent and hard working。 He worked many extra hours over the summer。 I vividly recall coming into the lab late in the evening。 。

。 and finding X at work。 X invariably finished projects well in advance of our projected target date。 X was always cheerful during this intense period, and was a joy to have in the lab。 Third, X is very good at working with other people。 He is exceptionally nice and considerate and sensitive。 X is not only good humored and friendly, but also is good at gauging other people's level of knowledge and attitudes。 。 。 。 All in all, I think X has a very bright future, and I am sure that he would benefit from 。

。 。 。 Given his great intelligence and sensitivity, I am sure that he could put 。 。 。 to good use。 In short, I give X my highest recommendation, and very much hope that the committee judges his application favorably。 "。


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