

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com


怎么着要100字吧? Japan is a that unusual country who combines modern and antiquity. on the one hand,you could see some people,natural and graceful, dressed in kimono.They will also take an unbrella in hand ,a pair of wood shoes on feet.All of this make up an antiquity Japan. On the onther hand,Japan also shows it's modern side.They have the most famous car industries,the best digital cameras as well as maginificent buildings.you will be shocked by the fruitful life of Japan. All in all,Japan is a strange country which contains two obviously different styles that always infulunence the whole world. 绝对原创,把分给我吧!


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介绍国家的英语作文怎么着要100字吧? Japan is a that unusual country who combines modern and antiquity. on the one hand,you could see some people,natural and graceful, dressed in ki...

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