

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语介绍重阳节30个单词左右]Double Ninth Festival The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gre...+阅读

In the beauty of nature, there are many cute little animal and animal, among them, I like elephants. An elephant's very large, even lions and tigers are afraid of it. Its limbs heavy, run slowly, but it has a long nose, and heavy things it can lift, the ear shout, like two huge fan, fan but cool, elephant legs like four long and big pillar, the tail of a bit rough, and like a thick the rope. Elephants can be interesting when sleeping, it is sleep standing up, this is because of its nose very delicate. It is most afraid of mosquitoes and other small insects into the nostrils, therefore, when it when sleeping, and always put the nose for HISTEP high, sometimes simply put the nose gently with. Elephants eat, first off a string of golden yellow from the bananas on the tree, and then into the mouth, slowly. The strange thing is: the elephant can drink water nose, how I want to see an elephant drinking water! I like elephants, more like nature, I hope to remain forever in the nature of beauty in the world.







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