

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[收入越高怪人越多]职场BT:收入越高怪人越多 一项对京、沪、深、穗四地不同行业白领的调查显示,月收入在3000~8000元的群体中,近1/3的人与常人的性格、处事方式迥然不同,甚至与周围环境格格不入,被...+阅读

找到现成的 This book mainly talked about the life of a young scientist, Victor Frankenstein, how he created the monster and how the monster destroyed his life. The story was placed in Europe. A young man who loved science went to England to study. After some time of researching, he discovered the mystery of human body and created a strange being, an ugly monster. Frankenstein was very shocked by the ugly shape of the monster, so he left the monster with hate. Since then, the monster faced a world full of hate and fear. He couldn't bear the heavy burden of being a strange creature. He then made up his mind to revenge on his creator, Frankenstein. He covered a long distance to Frankenstein's hometown, and met the little brother of Frankenstein by accident. He killed the boy. As soon as Frankenstein heard the bad news, Frankenstein went back home. Later he met the real murderer, the monster, and he hated the monster more. The monster asked him to make the monster a wife, so that the monster wouldn't harm Frankenstein's family anymore. Frankenstein agreed and started working. But he soon regretted. He broke his promise. Soon, he suffered the pain of losing his best friend, Henry, and his fiancée, Elizabeth. He decided to kill the monster then die himself. It was not easy to follow the monster's step. The monster moved so quickly to the North Pole but the cold weather there and difficult life soon destroyed Frankenstein. Very soon after he was saved by Captain Walton, he died. Walton was asked to kill the monster for Frankenstein. Finally, the monster realized the mistake he had made and chose to end his life by himself. This is not the first time I know about this story. When I was very young, my mother and I watched this movie on TV one night. I was very terrified by the way Elizabeth was killed, so that I still remember the name of this movie after so many years though I don't remember most of the plot. Now, I've finished reading the story again. Something I want to say. Ugly wasn't so ugly until he became evil. People's misunderstanding and fear caused the tragical ending of the monster and his creator. People always think that an ugly and strange one must be the phantom of Devil. In some ways, this kind of thoughts is really damageable. As an English saying told us,' never judge a book by its cover', isn't that the right way of treating people?


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